NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 10 Kathmandu. In this attachment, around fifty to sixty flutes were stuck that bulged out in all directions. He visited the Pushupatinath temple, sacred to the Hindus, … 1. Corpses are also cremated at the river bank. Q18. Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow. Report Writing Samples : Sports Day Celebration . Then the author makes up his mind to return home. The indisciplined and unorganized crowd is creating chaos and confusion. Important Links: CLASS 9 Subjects list. For Study plan details. Answer: इस पाठ में विक्रम सेठ नेपाल की राजधानी काठमांडु की अपनी यात्रा की यादों को तरोताजा करता है ।, वह उस शहर के दो प्रसिद्ध मंदिरों का वर्णन करता है । पहला हिंदुओं का पशुपतिनाथ मंदिर है और दूसरा बौद्धों का बौद्धनाथ स्तूप है । पशुपतिनाथ मंदिर में अव्यवस्था का वातावरण है । वह वहां पर घूमते हुए पंडित ,फेरीवाले ,भक्त ,पर्यटक ,गाएँ ,बंदर ,कबूतर और कुत्ते देखता है । वहाँ भक्तों की भीड़ है और लोग भगवान् की प्रतिमा तक जाने के लिए एक –दूसरे को धक्के मारते हैं ।, इस मंदिर में केवल हिंदुओं को प्रवेश की अनुमति है । पश्चिमी देशों के लोगों का एक समूह अंदर आने की  अनुमति के लिए संघर्ष करता है । मगर गेट पर खड़ा सिपाही उन्हें अंदर नहीं जाने देता । लेखक बंदरों को आपस में लड़ता देखता है । मंदिर के साथ पवित्र नदी बागमती बहती है । वह इसके किनारों पर धोबिनों को देखता है । इसके किनारे पर एक लाश का दाह-संस्कार हो रहा है छज्जे से भक्तगण नदी में फूल एवं अन्य भेंट की वस्तुएँ गिराते हैं । नदी के किनारे एक छोटा-सा मंदिर भी है । आधा मंदिर नदी में डूबा हुआ है। ऐसा माना जाता है कि जब सारा मंदिर नदी में से बाहर आ जाएगा तो अंदर की देवी बाहर आ जाएगी । तब धरती पर कलयुग का पापी समय समाप्त हो जाएगा ।, पशुपतिनाथ मंदिर के विपरीत बौद्धों के बौद्धनाथ स्तूप पर खामोशी है । लेखक को वहाँ कोई भीड़ नजर नहीं जाती है । इसका बहुत बड़ा सफेद गुंबद है । मंदिर के चारों तरफ एक सड़क है । इसके बाहरी किनारे पर छोटी-छोटी दुकानें हैं । इनमें से  बहुत सी दुकानें तिब्बती प्रवासियों द्वारा चलाई जा रही हैं ।, काठमांडु भीड़भाड़ वाला स्थान है । इन दो प्रसिद्ध मंदिरों के अतिरिक्त तंग एवं व्यस्त गलियों में बहुत – से मंदिर हैं । लेखक को वहाँ फल बेचने वाले , बांसुरियाँ बेचने वाले , पोस्टकार्ड बेचने वाले, पश्चिमी सौंदर्य प्रसाधन, फ़िल्में , चॉकलेट आदि बेचने वाली दुकानें नजर आती हैं । वह लक्ष्यहीन रूप से बाजार में घूमता है । तब लेखक घर लौटने का मन बनाता है । वह नेपाल एयरलाईज़ के एक कार्यालय में जाता है और दिल्ली के लिए एक टिकट खरीदता है । वह वापिस अपने होटल आता है। होटल के नज़दीक के चौराहे के एक कोने में   वह एक बांसुरी बेचने वाला देखता है । ये बांसुरियाँ बांस की बनी हैं । समय-समय पर बांसुरी वाला एक बांसुरी बजाता है । लेखक को उसका मस्त तरीका  लगता हैं । उसे वहाँ से चले जीना कठिन प्रतीत होता है । वास्तव में,बांसुरी का संगीत उसे सदा आकर्षित करता है । बांसुरी एक सामान्य वाद्य यंत्र है । यह लगभग हर संस्कृति में पाई जाती है । बाँसुरी उसे सारी मानवता की साझी कड़ी की याद दिलाती है ।. 4. In this attempt, some people have elbowed aside. Academic Partner. Besides the famous places like the Pashupatinath temple and the Baudhnath stupa, Kathmandu also has small shrines and deities-It is ‘mercenary’ as it is a tourist place and a lot of business – flourishes in the narrow streets. Answer: Tibetan immigrants owned most of the shops in Kathmandu. The theme of this brief extract from Vikram Seth’s travelogue, ‘Heaven Lake’, is glimpses of Kathmandu, especially the famous Pashupatinath temple, sacred to the Hindus, and the Baudhnathstupa, a holy place for the Buddhists. The monkey being chased jumps onto a shivalitiga, then runs screaming around the temples and finally goes down to the holy river, Bagmati. For the seller, playing the flute is more important than selling them. Complete Kathmandu (Q and A) Class 9 Video | EduRev chapter (including extra questions, long questions, short questions) can be found on EduRev, you can check out Class 9 lecture & lessons summary in the same course for Class 9 Syllabus. CLASS 9 ENGLISH LEARN ENGLISH. 2. Ans. Then go past Benaras, sail on the Ganges and reach Allahabad. The music of the flute is closest to the human voice because pauses and breaths are needed to produce musical notes of the flute in the same manner in which phrases and sentences are uttered in a human voice. What atmosphere is there around the Baudnath Stupa? Q.1.How does the author describe the flute seller? CBSE Important Questions for Class 9 Science gives you the right study material to excel in your studies in 9th grade. Ans:-The author points out that while other hawkers shout loudly to attract the customers for their wares, the flute seller plays upon his flute slowly and meditatively. On his way from China to India via Tibet, Vikram Seth, the narrator, reached Kathmandu in Nepal. So he decided to return to Delhi by air. (Textual). Report Writing Samples : Sports Day Celebration, 19. The author compares these protruding flutes to the sharp, stiff and standing quills of a porcupine. He notices that there is noise and confusion around the temple but the Buddhist shrine is full of peace. (iv)  People believe that when the whole temple comes, the period of Kaliyug on earth will come to an end. The author of the lesson Kathmandu is Vikram Seth. What idea do you get about the author from the extract “Kathmandu”? Q13.Why does Vikram Seth decide to buy a ticket directly for the homeward journey? (iii) What does the writer do in the market? Moreover, people from different cultures come there and get acquinted. It has the power to draw him into the commonality of all mankind and he is moved by its closeness to the human voice. False. That I can be so affected by a few familiar phrases on the bansuri, surprises me at first from the previous occasions that I have returned home after a long absence abroad. Thus, the narrator regards this place as a haven of quietness in the busy streets around. Class 9 English Kathmandu – Get here the Notes, Question & Practice Paper for Class 9 Kathmandu. Flow does the author decide to take his return journey to Delhi? Is this type df confusion common in our temples? Bansuri, (b) The surprised the author most. Click here to view, download or print flexiprep exclusive NCERT Class 9 English Solutions: Chapter 10 Kathmandu Part 2. One can find fruit sellers, flute sellers, and hawkers selling postcard photographs. He does not shout out his wares. Thus, the narrator regards this place as a haven of quietness in the busy streets around. Thus, the streets of Kathmandu are full of noise and din. We must be phre and peaceful, both physically and mentally. A corpse is being cremated on its banks; washerwomen are at their work and children bathe. He remarks that flute has a place in almost every culture, though with a variation in form and kind of music produced. He visited the Pashupatinath temple, sacred to the Hindus, and the Baudhnath stupa, the holy shrine of the Buddhists. He was very happy. Ans. The music of the flute leaves a deep imprint on his mind and he carries it with him when he returns home. Question 2. He does not shout to sell the flutes. Even monkeys play about and fight in the premises of the temple. Everyone bows to the princess and makes way for her. (v)   Find a word from the passage which means the same as ‘feverish’. Need assistance? This characteristic feature of the flutes gives the author a feeling of being “drawn into the commonality of mankind”, which gives him a sense of universality and harmony. Vikram Seth is the writer of this passage. Kathmandu MCQ Questions | Take Free MCQ Test English . There was no crowd and hustle and bustle around the bazaar too. He bought for himself a bar of Marzipan, a roasted corn-on-the-cob which was rubbed with salt and chilly powder and lemon. (i)    Who is the writer of this passage? The pictures of the temples of Kathmandu and its crowded streets become alive with his vivid descriptions. Then he would sail the Ganga though Benaras to Allahabad. 7. Who owned most of the shops in Kathmandu? Answer: The author visited the Pashupati Nath Temple and the Budhnath Stupa. The writer says that his behaviour is casual and careless. The river Bagmati that flows through Kathmandu near no Pashupatinath temple is referred to here. But the policeman at the gate does not allow them to go in. evil, Kaliyug, (c) The shrine is not near the bank of the river. Thinking about The Text (Page 131) Activity. A dead body is being cremated; washerwomen are washing clothes, children are taking bath. In this page you can find Kathmandu Extra Questions and Answers Class 9 English Beehive, Extra Questions for Class 9 English will make your practice complete. (ii)  Which river flows by the Pashupatinath temple? Answer: Kathmandu was written by the famous Indian writer Vikram Seth . Answer: He visited the Pashupatinath temple, sacred to the Hindus, and the Baudhnath stupa, the holy shrine of the Buddhists. Take online test of the chapters from NCERT English Textbooks of Class 9. There should be some activities in these fairs or markets where the talent of such artists is highlighted. On the following map mark out the route, which the author thought of but did not […] KATHMANDU QUESTION ANSWERS. In fact, the flute music always attracts him. What will happen when the small shrine on the Bagmati river bank will emerge fully? (True/False) What made the atmosphere in and around the Pashupatinath temple full of ‘febrile confusion’? The saffron-clad Westerners wanted to go inside the temple of Pashupatinath. Its immense white dome is ringed by a road with small shops selling items like felt bags, Tibetan prints and silver jewellery. Go to the NCERT Solution “The Snake Trying”, इस पाठ में विक्रम सेठ नेपाल की राजधानी काठमांडु की अपनी यात्रा की यादों को तरोताजा करता है ।वह उस शहर के दो प्रसिद्ध मंदिरों का वर्णन करता है । पहला हिंदुओं का पशुपतिनाथ मंदिर है और दूसरा बौद्धों का बौद्धनाथ स्तूप है । पशुपतिनाथ मंदिर में अव्यवस्था का वातावरण है । वह वहां पर घूमते हुए पंडित ,फेरीवाले ,भक्त ,पर्यटक ,गाएँ ,बंदर ,कबूतर और कुत्ते देखता है । वहाँ भक्तों की भीड़ है और लोग भगवान् की प्रतिमा तक जाने के लिए एक –दूसरे को धक्के मारते हैं ।इस मंदिर में केवल हिंदुओं को प्रवेश की अनुमति है । पश्चिमी देशों के लोगों का एक समूह अंदर आने की  अनुमति के लिए संघर्ष करता है । मगर गेट पर खड़ा सिपाही उन्हें अंदर नहीं जाने देता । लेखक बंदरों को आपस में लड़ता देखता है । मंदिर के साथ पवित्र नदी बागमती बहती है । वह इसके किनारों पर धोबिनों को देखता है । इसके किनारे पर एक लाश का दाह-संस्कार हो रहा है छज्जे से भक्तगण नदी में फूल एवं अन्य भेंट की वस्तुएँ गिराते हैं । नदी के किनारे एक छोटा-सा मंदिर भी है । आधा मंदिर नदी में डूबा हुआ है। ऐसा माना जाता है कि जब सारा मंदिर नदी में से बाहर आ जाएगा तो अंदर की देवी बाहर आ जाएगी । तब धरती पर कलयुग का पापी समय समाप्त हो जाएगा ।पशुपतिनाथ मंदिर के विपरीत बौद्धों के बौद्धनाथ स्तूप पर खामोशी है । लेखक को वहाँ कोई भीड़ नजर नहीं जाती है । इसका बहुत बड़ा सफेद गुंबद है । मंदिर के चारों तरफ एक सड़क है । इसके बाहरी किनारे पर छोटी-छोटी दुकानें हैं । इनमें से  बहुत सी दुकानें तिब्बती प्रवासियों द्वारा चलाई जा रही हैं ।काठमांडु भीड़भाड़ वाला स्थान है । इन दो प्रसिद्ध मंदिरों के अतिरिक्त तंग एवं व्यस्त गलियों में बहुत – से मंदिर हैं । लेखक को वहाँ फल बेचने वाले , बांसुरियाँ बेचने वाले , पोस्टकार्ड बेचने वाले, पश्चिमी सौंदर्य प्रसाधन, फ़िल्में , चॉकलेट आदि बेचने वाली दुकानें नजर आती हैं । वह लक्ष्यहीन रूप से बाजार में घूमता है । तब लेखक घर लौटने का मन बनाता है । वह नेपाल एयरलाईज़ के एक कार्यालय में जाता है और दिल्ली के लिए एक टिकट खरीदता है । वह वापिस अपने होटल आता है। होटल के नज़दीक के चौराहे के एक कोने में   वह एक बांसुरी बेचने वाला देखता है । ये बांसुरियाँ बांस की बनी हैं । समय-समय पर बांसुरी वाला एक बांसुरी बजाता है । लेखक को उसका मस्त तरीका  लगता हैं । उसे वहाँ से चले जीना कठिन प्रतीत होता है । वास्तव में,बांसुरी का संगीत उसे सदा आकर्षित करता है । बांसुरी एक सामान्य वाद्य यंत्र है । यह लगभग हर संस्कृति में पाई जाती है । बाँसुरी उसे सारी मानवता की साझी कड़ी की याद दिलाती है ।, Following is the complete question bank for – KATHMANDU. Class 9 CBSE NCERT solutions for all subjects. They are the lifelines of a country. He admires the serenity and calmness of this shrine. Ans: The flute is found in each culture in one form or the other. Related Posts. Do you think these bazaars are helpful for the locals for developing a social bond? (Textual). The longer route from Kathmandu to Delhi is to first reach Patna by bus and train. The quietness of the stupa stands out amidst the busy business activities that go around it. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It is the common link of all mankind. (i)    What do the two monkeys do? They worship it like a pious deity. At the time of Pooja we submerge the offerings in polybags which not only pollute the river but kills the water animals. The signboard outside Pashupatinath temple is ‘Entrance for Hindus only’. (iii)  What activities are going on the banks of the river? By the main gate, a party of saffron-clad Westerners struggle for permission to enter. (iv)  Why does the policeman not allow a group of Westerners to enter the temple? What is dropped into this river and from where? The writer says, “All this I wash down with Coca-Cola”. Class-9 Chapter- 10 KATHMANDU- Extra Questions and Notes. How is the atmosphere at the Pashupatinath temple? Answer: He enters a Nepal Airlines office and buys a ticket for Delhi. Ans:-Outside the Pashupatinath temple, the signboard announces: “Entrance for the Hindus only”. (True/False) His fondness for music is brought forth when we find him so enchanted by the music of the flute that he has to force himself to leave the square where the flute is being played by the seller. Kathmandu is vivid, mercenary, religious, with small shrines to flower-adorned deities along the narrowest and the busiest streets; with fruit-sellers, flute-sellers, hawkers of postcards; shops selling Western cosmetics, film rolls and chocolates; or copper utensils and Nepalese antiques. Other flutes are distinguished by their tonal quality like ‘the clear or breathy flutes’ of South America and the ‘high-pitched’ flutes of China. (A) a sense of stillness                                                (B) febrile confusion, (C) excitement and noises                                        (D) all of the above. Here to view, download or print flexiprep exclusive NCERT Class 9 with good score can check this article Notes... Delhi by air extract conveys the message that the writer say about his attitude author gets attracted by the say! Question 1: name the two monkeys fight each other and one monkey the! 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