Education Inspection Framework - Behaviour and attitudes - part 2 of 4 This is the second in our four-part series looking at each of the new judgements in the Education Inspection Framework. In a move designed to emphasise the importance of how pupils approach their learning and life in school, do we really know enough about attitudes and how they are formed to inspect them? %PDF-1.6
Ofsted’s created a separate behaviour judgement to give parents reassurance about how well behaviour is managed in your school. Separate judgements for ‘personal development’ and ‘behaviour and attitudes’ Behaviour and attitudes. Understand Ofsted’s 2019 Education Inspection Framework Behaviour and attitudes. In May 2019, plans for inspections beginning September 2019 were confirmed, including the introduction of a ‘Quality of Education’ judgement. October 2013, All Ofsted Inspection Framework 2019 - key changes for nurseries Ofsted updated its Education Inspection Framework in September 2019, ... 'Personal Development' will now be separated from 'Behaviour and Attitudes' 'Quality of Education' is a new judgement area.
…will ask whether leaders, teachers and practitioners have high expectations for learners and implement these consistently and fairly. Records and analysis of sexual harassment or sexual violence. 0% Complete. 0/11 Steps . =�¼��Bg��l�[�����_��%ȥ̥ȥ�W�+��J���_��W�+��J���Y�BMU�vY��
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Concepts Ofsted will check whether bullying is tolerated, not whether it exists. Ofsted Inspection Framework – Judgement Areas The four key judgement areas are: • Quality of Education • Behaviour and Attitudes • Personal Development • Leadership and Management Within the context of the four aspects, Ofsted provides grade descriptors for a four-tier grading T he OFSTED Education Inspection Framework (September 2019) includes the following guidance regarding judgements of 'Behaviour and Attitudes' and 'Personal Development':. These three types of behaviours are reflected in the new education inspection framework (EIF) under Behaviour and attitudes. Attitude and behaviour together constitute one of Ofsted’s key assessment elements in their new Inspection Framework. Reports will cover what behaviour is like at the school, how it tackles bullying, and whether children are learning the things they need to learn to get ahead in life. S chools will be marked down if pupils misbehave and are discourteous to each other, under Ofsted’s new inspection regime.. The Education Inspection Framework sets out how Ofsted will inspect state schools, further education and skills providers, non-association independent schools and registered early years settings in England. The new judgement covers behaviour, attendance, exclusion and attitudes to learning. Behaviour and attitudes: Whereas Ofsted criteria from 2015-18 included a specific criterion in relation to guarding against online grooming, exploitation and bullying, this criterion has been removed from the EIF. February 2017 Behaviour and attitudes . Ofsted believes that the behaviour and attitudes of learners of all ages bring to learning “is best evaluated and judged separately from the provision made to promot… We have previously looked at the quality of education and will subsequently look at personal development and leadership and management in future Bulletins. The ‘personal development, welfare and behaviour’ judgement in the current framework will be split into two distinct areas, behaviour and attitudes and personal development. They will want to see that a school has clear and effective behaviour and attendance policies in place with evidence that they are being applied consistently and fairly by all staff. 354 0 obj
Ofsted Inspection Framework 2019 - key changes for nurseries Ofsted updated its Education Inspection Framework in September 2019, ... 'Personal Development' will now be separated from 'Behaviour and Attitudes' 'Quality of Education' is a new judgement area. endstream
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Understand Ofsted’s 2019 ... (CIF), and why the inspection regime has changed. The new education inspection framework (EIF), which contains a separate behaviour and attitudes judgement, will bring a greater focus on behaviour on inspection, and allow Ofsted to probe more deeply into what schools do and how well this is working. The new Ofsted Framework states that: ‘Those pupils behind age-related expectations are provided with the opportunities to learn the mathematical knowledge and skills that are necessary to catch up with their peers’, and this is something we specialise in here at Third Space Learning. The EIF should be read alongside the ‘School Inspection Handbook’ which describes the main activities carried out during inspections and outlines the commitments schools should make to online safety. endstream
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... Behaviour and Attitudes. Ofsted will look at whether it is evident in children’s behaviour and attitudes that staff have high expectations and have implemented these consistently and fairly. Be clear on how 'behaviour and attitudes' will be inspected in your school. Ofsted changes to the inspection framework and inspection arrangements take effect from September 2019. Ofsted Inspection Framework – Judgement Areas The four key judgement areas are: • Quality of Education • Behaviour and Attitudes • Personal Development • Leadership and Management Within the context of the four aspects, Ofsted provides grade descriptors for a four-tier grading system with the following grade descriptors for This new framework was introduced in a bid to address areas of concern that schools have had for years surrounding inspection, relating to workload, wellbeing and data management as well as "re-focus[ing] inspections on the real substance of education - the curriculum". Causation The ‘Ofsted Education Inspection Framework ... Behaviour and attitudes. This section includes data analysis, statutory policy and benchmarking information to help Headteacher’s provide Governors with the information that will make up the 4 areas of judgement in this section. Welcome! The draft inspection framework proposed that Ofsted would look for an absence of bullying in determining how to grade a school on the behaviour and attitudes of its pupils. H�dUPT��ww��]5TD@܄�.� |��
�p�&Ac�����ȣ��h�U|fD��@P���H��:�L��A�=�{. n Leaders are not taking effective steps to secure good behaviour from Inspectors will consider whether this is reflected in the behaviours and attitudes of learners. Northern History Forum Arrangements for different types of provision 12. The Education Inspection Framework is the most researched and piloted framework in the organisation’s history. Ofsted has split pupils’ behaviour and personal development into two separate judgements to recognise the importance of both areas. FE News reports.Behaviour is the way each of us presents ourselves to the world; it is how we manifest ourselves. 100 Ofsted reports - Part 4: behaviour, attitudes and personal development by Helen Edwards in Articles Leadership and Management on October 29, 2019 A significant change in the Early Years inspection handbook is the new, separate section given to behaviour and attitudes. Challenges remain. Posters For example, previously a manager might have said, “We set up the water table with cups and jugs so that the children could pour from one to another.” Now it might be more like, “We set up the wate… Very useful and I like the comparison that is made with the former framework. %%EOF
�-ď�{T��2�q�L�,��uWO��4eI^X=e���(۞L����@�4���t�NJ�\3���mbx�B�8 Evidence Behaviour & Attitudes - an insight into the Ofsted judgement. Note: if there is evidence that a school has deliberately removed pupils on the day of the inspection then this is likely to result in inadequate judgement in both Behaviour and Attitudes and Leadership and Management. Amanda Spielman revealed last October that Ofsted plans to scrap its current personal development, behaviour and welfare judgment and replace it with two separate judgments: behaviour and attitudes and personal development. The Headteacher’s Report and the 2019 Ofsted framework. The handbook has three parts: Part 1. 199. In the framework, Ofsted states that, amongst other things, in order to be judged ‘Good’, the following standard needs to be reached: ‘Pupils have high attendance, come to school on time and are punctual to lessons. Student Materials, This blog is related to my analysis of the draft 2019 Ofsted inspection framework. 7. Ofsted Education Inspection Framework 2019: proposed judgements 1.1. Welcome! Now the language is about aims and rationale – intent, implementation and impact – and the responses required will need to go further. Ofsted has said that its inspectors will, “spend less time looking at exam results and test data, and more time considering how a nursery, school, college or other education provider has achieved their results.“The NEU thinks that the new framework has been badly prepared, with poor research, inadequate internal scrutiny and an unrealistic timetable for implementation. Separate judgements for ‘personal development’ and ‘behaviour and attitudes’ Behaviour and attitudes. Behaviour and attitudes: CYPMHC and the PWBMHS welcomes the separation of the former “personal development, behaviour and welfare” judgment by replacing it with two distinct judgements “behaviour and attitudes” and “personal development”. Matt provides an overview of the 2019 framework and the schools inspection handbook and explains the methodology of inspection. During the House of Commons Education Select Committee enquiry, the legality of zero-tolerance behaviour policies was questioned. Ofsted Understand Ofsted’s 2019 Education Inspection Framework. 0% Complete. Inspectors will evaluate the extent to which: relationships among learners and staff reflect a positive and respectful culture. The School Inspection Framework describes how the judgement focuses on the factors that research and inspection evidence indicate contribute most strongly to pupils’ positive behaviour and attitudes. The watchdog hopes this change will “enhance the inspection focus on each [area] and enable clearer reporting on both”. Behaviour and attitudes considers how leaders and staff create a safe, orderly and positive environment in the school and the impact this has on the behaviour and attitudes of the pupils. Attendance will be covered under the new “Behaviour and Attitudes Judgement”. 0
Attitude and behaviour together constitute one of Ofsted’s key assessment elements in their new Inspection Framework. We have previously looked at the quality of education and will subsequently look at personal development and leadership and management in future Bulletins. endstream
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The education inspection framework sets out how Ofsted inspects maintained schools, academies, non-association independent schools, further education and ... Behaviour and attitudes 10 Personal development 11 Leadership and management 11. The judgement focuses on the factors that research and inspection evidence indicate contribute most strongly to pupils’ positive behaviour and attitudes, thereby giving them the greatest possible opportunity to … ԋ8 W���?� �-��������QlshzJ���,ӼG��Ie�qY�s�i08c��q��s����n����П��h)�I
/�{6�̒Lex�MS�`*-�^�%ϤS��tN2������}��CD#��Z%����%� 100 Ofsted reports - Part 4: behaviour, attitudes and personal development by Helen Edwards in Articles Leadership and Management on October 29, 2019 A significant change in the Early Years inspection handbook is the new, separate section given to behaviour and attitudes. March 2017 Description This Network encourages participants to think about how they support self-regulation, encourage resilience and promote prosocial behaviour in children. You can find the index page. The new judgement covers behaviour, attendance, exclusion and attitudes to learning. From this term, Ofsted will be reporting on both the ‘behaviour’ and ‘attitudes’ of a school’s pupils as one of the four judgements within the new Education Inspection Framework. This, alongside two phases of research on behaviour significantly strengthens Ofsted’s inspection practice on behaviour. Behaviour and Attitudes The behaviour an attitudes of students are separated out from personal development and welfare in the new framework. h�b```f``� "���@��9Z�&��T����`�k�CY5����g���X�7�`��4j
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In the first of a four-part series focusing on the four core inspection judgements, Suzanne O’Connell talks to five schools who are ‘outstanding’ when it comes to their behaviour 338 0 obj
Assessment Ofsted strategy 2017-22 The curriculum at the heart of inspection No need to produce progress and attainment data ‘for Ofsted’, helping reduce unnecessary workload All children should have access to a high- quality care and education A webinar for NCB –June 2019 Slide 6 … In a move designed to emphasise the importance of how pupils approach their learning and life in school, do we really know enough about attitudes and how they are formed to inspect them? ALLFIE believes that behaviour policies are used to segregate Disabled pupils within mainstream schools. This may be a cause for concern in settings where the behaviour of some children is very challenging. Be clear on how 'behaviour and attitudes' will be inspected in your school. January 2019 Understand Ofsted’s 2019 Education Inspection Framework Behaviour and attitudes. hޜS]o�0�+~B�؉�҄ԔvLPV�
�^�f�Sw��z��n�'bY�����\�\�g�3U���L���`�H�̘�刔� !8;;��5'�n�־ۻ�\v��s\�zm�$1k�ָ@V�� Q��N�&5��mO�>t~�[L'L��\#���',��A���A��f�:4:��vù!�w,]b�wo�]o+9�t�}m� ��n�~{c|o�;�k�m4����"i��!l�1�����ޠ��ͽqH��,���&�0�[\�.�D�+hܠ� By calling for evidence of broader development, Ofsted’s new framework emphasises the need to think of the pupil as more than a set of academic results. In January 2019, Ofsted consulted on the new ‘Inspection Framework for Education Providers’. This change recognises the difference between behaviour and discipline in schools and colleges, and pupil/learners’ wider personal development and their opportunities to grow as active, healthy and engaged citizens. Behaviour and attitudes 52 Personal development 58 ... carried out from September 2019 under the education inspection framework (EIF).2 3. There is a greater focus on behaviour under Ofsted's new inspection regime. Attitude and behaviour together constitute one of Ofsted’s key assessment elements in their new Inspection Framework.This is the first of two articles on the subject. 0/11 Steps . Communication Attitude and behaviour together constitute one of Ofsted’s key assessment elements in their new Inspection Framework. ... Inspecting behaviour and attitudes. This Network brings all Early Years practitioners together to explore the behaviour and attitudes judgement of the New Ofsted Inspection Frameworks for schools and early years. The behaviour and safety judgement is one that underpins Ofsted inspection. The behaviour and attitudes judgement considers how leaders and staff create a safe, calm, orderly and positive environment in the school and the impact this has on the behaviour and attitudes of pupils. Preventing and responding appropriately to bullying is a key component of school inspections. This is the first of two articles on the subject. Ofsted has split pupils’ behaviour and personal development into two separate judgements to recognise the importance of both areas. H�\��j�@E���^&��GwW� ����`��v�$���? Arrangements for different types of provision 12. Ofsted School Inspection Framework – September 2019 (Extracts include relevant safeguarding comments only) ... Behaviour and attitudes are likely to be inadequate if any one of the following applies. Ofsted’s created a separate behaviour judgement to give parents reassurance about how well behaviour … Progression Model They will also look at how effectively settings deal with bad behaviour, and consider the ways children demonstrate their attitudes through the characteristics of effective learning. August 2018 �J�E���Są-`s`�� a5�vs�����K$w*���vl���7 }uCF`�UW�kJ�v���l�qla6�~�b����s�~���t};�-�����>ܯs��Әյ����9��æ��1��.�~8��?�ã��i��0̦0���)5��LߛK0�r�iߥ��|Jg�U��O�T�}I�v��uj�����H���o�Zga��{�;���&fu��H?�-ق����y�زޢޖ�\�+0�X��������B��̹s-��eI�8�a��\���=z:�q���ǡ�{!����鏪=sy������������������3� ��M�&�+�+�x Thursday 27 February, 8:00 am to 9:00 am. Ofsted Chief Inspector Amanda Spielman, July 2019 speech. Ofsted has said it will be looking to schools to ensure that pupils have positive attitudes … Create your own unique website with customizable templates. It’ll assess: Whether you’re creating a safe, calm, orderly and positive environment free from bullying The ‘Ofsted Education Inspection Framework (EIF)’ sets out Ofsted’s inspection principles and the main judgements that inspectors will make from September 2019.. We focus on the strategic overview that those in governance need to have of this aspect of school provision. The document is the first new rulebook for inspectors issued since 2015, and if approved, will form the basis of all inspections of schools … Ofsted's 2019 inspection framework landed in September. Education Inspection Framework - Behaviour and attitudes - part 2 of 4 This is the second in our four-part series looking at each of the new judgements in the Education Inspection Framework. This judgement covers nursery, reception, provision for two and three-year-olds and wrap around care. Change & Continuity 4. How Ofsted inspects early years education Learn how Ofsted inspects the EYFS under the 2019 framework. Ofsted strategy 2017-22 The curriculum at the heart of inspection No need to produce progress and attainment data ‘for Ofsted’, helping reduce unnecessary workload All children should have access to a high- quality care and education A webinar for NCB –June 2019 Slide 6 … FE News reports.Behaviour is the way each of us presents ourselves to the world; it is how we manifest ourselves. Interpretations This webinar explores the Behaviour and Attitudes judgement that is one of the four key judgements, in the Ofsted framework, introduced in September 2019. Ofsted itself operates within a digital environment, as evidenced by the recent Ofsted advertisements for digital content managers. The Ofsted framework. Some of the first inspection reports under the new framework show that Ofsted will be keen to understand what schools are doing to support NQTs –in terms of the induction process, what training is in place and how well NQTs understand the school’s approach to behaviour management, curriculum design, safeguarding and so on. Previously, managers needed to be prepared to talk about how they had set things up for children, and why. In September 2019 Ofsted’s new inspection framework came into effect for schools across the UK. A series of changes to Ofsted inspections is due to be set out later today by the watchdog in its new draft inspection framework. 6. The ‘behaviour and attitudes’ judgement will assess whether leaders are creating a calm and orderly environment, where bullying is tackled effectively by leaders when it occurs. Ofsted has taken over 25 years of it’s inspection experience and evaluated the existing literature on pupil behaviour and attitudes in schools. November 2013 Behaviour and attitudes: Whereas Ofsted criteria from 2015-18 included a specific criterion in relation to guarding against online grooming, exploitation and bullying, this criterion has been removed from the EIF. 347 0 obj
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Although the three clearly overlap, this should allow greater focus on the specifics of behaviour and attitude within the school. Ofsted itself operates within a digital environment, as evidenced by the recent Ofsted advertisements for digital content managers. Ofsted has taken over 25 years of it’s inspection experience and evaluated the existing literature on pupil behaviour and attitudes in schools. How schools will be inspected ... Ofsted uses this information to prepare its report and for the H�tRMo�0��W�h�/K���:���!+/qw��9ʺ�����`��@>�ԣI�}��7�����z�o������ >4;�S��=~�Z��\K�Fb�z}n0���h���o���\-���%����p�ɦ|���z����%�G���OY� For more information on the new Ofsted framework, see our previous post here. endstream
There is a greater focus on behaviour under Ofsted's new inspection regime. Ofsted's 2019 inspection framework landed in September. The judgement focuses on the factors that research and inspection evidence79 Perspectives They will also look at how effectively settings deal with bad behaviour, and consider the ways children demonstrate their attitudes through the characteristics of effective learning. RRSA outcomes, as for Personal Development contribute towards many of these factors. Understand Ofsted’s 2019 Education Inspection Framework. Behaviour and attitudes 198. endstream
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Ofsted wants to judge pupils’ personal development separately from their behaviour and attitudes. From this term, Ofsted will be reporting on both the ‘behaviour’ and ‘attitudes’ of a school’s pupils as one of the four judgements within the new Education Inspection Framework. Ofsted has said it will be looking to schools to ensure that pupils have positive attitudes … Ofsted Framework Analysis 2: Behaviour & Attitudes and Personal Development, Paul Dwyer and Will Bailey-Watson’s podcast recently. Ofsted –New Framework Amanda Spielman [16-Jan-19], ^Two words sum up my ambition for the framework: substance and integrity. January 2014 Planning The new Ofsted framework is built on four key judgements: ‘quality of education’, ‘behaviour and attitudes’, ‘personal development’ and ‘leadership and management’. This aims to provide a more holistic view of … Ofsted will look at whether it is evident in children’s behaviour and attitudes that staff have high expectations and have implemented these consistently and fairly. The new Ofsted inspection framework is due to come into force this September. This guidance outlines the key changes, the NASUWT’s position and actions that NASUWT members should take in relation to inspection. This aspect has its own inspection judgement now, signalling the importance of behaviour and attitudes to learning in the new framework. It stresses schools’ responsibility to prepare pupils for success in their ongoing education or career, and for life in modern Britain. Records and analysis of bullying, discriminatory, and prejudiced behaviour (either direct or indirect), including racist, sexist, disability-focused and homophobic/biphobic/transphobic bullying, use of derogatory language and … The education inspection framework sets out how Ofsted inspects maintained schools, academies, non-association independent schools, further education and ... Behaviour and attitudes 10 Personal development 11 Leadership and management 11. Years Education Learn how Ofsted inspects the EYFS under the Education inspection framework exists... The way each of us presents ourselves to the world ; it is how we manifest ourselves to prepared! Children, and why the inspection framework is due to be set out later by... Be inspected in your school zero-tolerance behaviour policies are used ofsted framework behaviour and attitudes segregate Disabled pupils within mainstream.. 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