'[10] Their preaching started in the city of Bountiful and then proceeding to the cities of Gid and Mulek, and then to all of the Nephite cities in the land southward. The idea was abhorrent to Nephi, and he resisted. To put this story in context, we need to review the events that led up to it. 2 Nephi 28:30 states, “I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept.” Nephi told his people to continuously seek knowledge from God, because God teaches people, “line upon line, precept upon precept.” This phrase is a modified quote from Isaiah 28:10, where the prophet condemned the inability of the false priests and prophets of Israel to receive The deliverance of these plates would be a true test of their faith. In each case he saw that the outcome for all these people hinged on their acceptance of Jesus Christ. Casting lots was an ancient practice whereby the Lord could make known His will (see Proverbs 16:33). Did God have a right to do this? There has never been any confusion about his name and he was never referred to as Nephi. 1 Nephi 2:16 states that Nephi wanted to know the “mysteries of God.” When this is understood in its ancient context, it seems likely that Nephi specifically wanted to know the information his father had learned from the Lord in 1 Nephi 1. He is the righteous son of Lehi and Sariah (1 Ne. Nephi began his record by praising his parents and noting that he had been “taught somewhat in all the learning of my father” (1 Nephi 1:1). Except, he is said to have begun "to grow up unto the Lord" in the 48th year of the "reign of the judges", which likely corresponds to 44 BC. Immediately after their release, the five men argued powerfully against the Gadianton robber judges, who blamed Nephi for the murder, due to his apparent foreknowledge of the event. While we do not know from the record, it is likely that the Lord would have given promptings or warnings to Laban,2 who ignored them. It would be hard for any of the brothers to think that anything but the power of God had delivered the plates into their hands. Some claimed Nephi to be a prophet and some even claimed him to be a god. Without them, they “would have dwindled in unbelief, and … should have [become] like unto … the Lamanites” (Mosiah 1:5). So Nephi went alone, being “led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which [he] should do” (1 Nephi 4:6). Further, the first record that he kept was a secular record and was called the Large Plates of Nephi. [8], In the same year, 'Nephi delivered up the judgment-seat to a man whose name was Cezoram,' being weary of the iniquity of the people, who consisted more of those choosing evil than those choosing good. Nephi made a solemn oath that if Zoram would go with them, they would spare his life and he would be a free man. Looking at the timeline, it’s about 49-39 BC. Little is known about the activities of his early life, beyond his birth year of 54 BC. It strongly suggests that Nephi and his people arrived on the west or the Pacific coast of the Americas. The Translation of the Book of Mormon: A Marvel and a Wonder, The Power of Deliverance: Why Nephi Killed Laban, Come, Follow Me: Book of Mormon—Support Articles and Activities, ”In the Wisdom of Him Who Knoweth All Things”, It’s Where I’m Headed, Not Where I’ve Been, Three Things to Remember before You Judge, Getting Back on the Path after My Unplanned Pregnancy, Going “All In”: My Journey Back to the Gospel, Shame versus Guilt: Help for Discerning God’s Voice from Satan’s Lies, How the Book of Mormon Opened the Heavens for Me, Digital Only: Young Adults and the Ongoing Restoration, Guided by the Spirit, before I Even Knew It, “The Power of Deliverance: Why Nephi Killed Laban,” Ensign, January 2020. To him, Nephi looked and sounded like Laban—another part of the miraculous deliverance. [31], After hearing the voice, Nephi turned immediately and began preaching to the scattered multitudes of the Nephites. According to the Book of Mormon Nephi (/ˈniːfaɪ/ NEE-fy), along with his brother Lehi, was a Nephite missionary. The Bible would continue to be written by Jewish prophets after Lehi (Nephi’s father) led his family out of Jerusalem and to a new land. This is a response I have heard many others say and one I have said myself many times. The famine came in 73 ROJ (19 BC) and, as a result, the war ceased. It’s important to note that when Nephi began this record, he wrote with hindsight. Of course. Jeremiah he addressed specifically with respect to the prophecy of the destruction of Jerusalem, something the people knew of from the descendants of Mulek in their own land. and also Zoram and his family, and Sam. But Laban called Laman a robber and threatened to kill him. Their preaching resulting in much success, first among those Nephites who had dissented and later among the Lamanites. It’s important to note that when Nephi began this record, he wrote with hindsight. The Lord had commanded Lehi to send his sons back to Jerusalem to obtain the plates of brass (see 1 Nephi 3:2–4). He also mentioned prophecies by Zenos, Zenock, Ezias, Isaiah, and Jeremiah. "[20], Upon returning to the "land of his nativity", Nephi found the people in a state of "awful wickedness." With this precise perspective of revelation, Nephi came to understand why he was required to obtain the plates in the way he did. In addition to that, when read alongside the Elijah story, Helaman 11 becomes a powerful reminder of the reality of the priesthood. [27] At the burial of the Chief Judge the next day, however, those present at Nephi's garden exonerated the five runners. Nephi didn’t know, but it must have seemed surreal. [24], Seeing that he had convinced at least some of the crown, Nephi continued his preaching. The Lord also knew these sacred records would soon be destroyed in the upcoming invasion by the Babylonians if they were not removed (in a related vein, see 2 Nephi 26:17; Enos 1:14; Mormon 6:6). (See 1 Nephi 3:22–27.). When God delivered Laban and the brass plates to Nephi, He was ultimately delivering precious gospel truths to all who would eventually read the Book of Mormon. He instructed them to go the house of Seantum, the brother of Seezoram the slain Chief Judge, and to question him in a particular way that would lead to his confession. mine elder brother and his family, and Jacob and Joseph my younger brethren, alJ(l also my sisters, and allthost! Nephi was the eldest son of Helaman, another Nephite prophet. Seeing that the people were destroying themselves by the sword, Nephi prayed that God would send a famine "to stir them up in remembrance of the Lord their God." Leaving Laban alive would have likely led to more deaths and suffering. To me, this is unambiguous and clear. There would have been no righteous Nephite record to bring forth in the latter days to help the world understand Christ’s true doctrine. The Spirit prompted him twice more, reminding him, “The Lord slayeth the wicked to bring forth his righteous purposes” (1 Nephi 4:13; see also 1 Nephi 4:7–12; Deuteronomy 7:2). When Christ appeared to the Nephites as the resurrected Savior, He blessed them, He taught them He prayed with them and for them. Right? "[13] At the time they were to be taken from prison and executed, however, they were protected by a 'pillar of fire' and the Lamanites were "struck dumb" with amazement and were afraid of being burned. Enrichment Activities 19:10, 21; 2 Ne. The Lamanites were astonished and convinced, with 8,000 of them "in the land of Zarahemla and round about baptized unto repentance, and were convinced of the wickedness of the traditions of their fathers. If this isn’t a different Nephi, we need a word stronger than “geriatric” to describe him. II. The people followed this instruction, and the cloud of darkness was dispersed. The name of the angel is mentioned several times in many LDS publications and he has always been referred to as Moroni. Nephi and Lehi seized this opportunity to spread their missionary message, and told the people to "[f]ear not" and that the "marvelous thing" was of God. In the 49th year of the reign of the judges (c. 43 BC), there was "continual peace established in the land" ou… For some people, especially those new to the Book of Mormon, a most challenging or unsettling story is Nephi’s slaying of Laban (see 1 Nephi 3–4). "[11], These preachings are described as being with much power and authority, even to the point of having the words they should speak given them by revelation. He saw clearly what the Lord had done for his family and why. Why were the Anti-Nephi-Lehies not afraid to die? These connections demonstrate that both Elijah and Nephi used the power of the priesthood to seal the heavens. For examples of the plain and precious truths restored in the Book of Mormon, see Clyde J. Williams, “Plain and Precious Truths Restored,” Ensign, Oct. 2006, 50–54. He prophesied of the loss of their great cities if they did not repent and earn the protection of the Lord. He began by addressing the skeptics in the group who did not believe in his status as a prophet of God by comparing himself to Moses using the example of the parting of the Red Sea. Nephi and Lehi, who were among them, urged them to "go forth and marvel not, neither should they doubt. It is Christ who offers the most profound deliverance to all people—deliverance from sin and death—through His atoning sacrifice and eternal life in the world to come. [37], In 91 ROJ (1 BC), Nephi turned "the plates of brass, and all the records which had been kept, and all those things which had been kept sacred from the departure of Lehi out of Jerusalem" over to his eldest son, also named Nephi. (See 1 Nephi 4:28–35. "[25], Then, after reminding the people of their wickedness due to choosing riches and pride rather than following the counsel of these prophets, he testified that their destruction was "even at [their] doors" and reveals the secret murder of their Chief Judge by his brother - both of whom were Gadianton robbers. Nephi and his family lived in Jerusalem, circa 600 BC, during the reign of King Zedekiah, until Lehi was commanded by God to take his family and flee into the wilderness. [34] Seeing that the people had repented, Nephi obliged and in 76 ROJ (16 BC) the famine was lifted and the people rejoiced, praised God and they esteemed Nephi "as a great prophet, and a man of God, having great power and authority given unto him from God. Come, Follow Me: Book of Mormon (Jan. 20–26). [23], Upon hearing Nephi's words, there were some judges, who were members of the Gadianton robbers against whom Nephi taught, who roused others to opposition in an attempt to have Nephi arrested and tried. He dedicated the remainder of his life to preaching the gospel along with his brother Lehi,[9] being motivated by the preaching of their father that 'it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation ... a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall. (See 1 Nephi 3:10–21. [14], After Nephi and Lehi tried to console the people, the "earth shook exceedingly" and the people were "overshadowed with a cloud of darkness" which caused an "awful solemn fear" to come upon them. [15] This was followed by a "voice of perfect mildness" that is said to have pierced "even to the very soul" when it twice times urged the people to repent and not to "destroy my servants whom I have sent unto you to declare good tidings" and once spoke "marvelous words which cannot be uttered by man", interspersed with more earthquakes. 1 Nephi 6:1–3 — How Lehi’s Lineage May Explain His Location. (Alma 27:28.) For that we need to look closer. His death caused many to murmur against Lehi and Nephi (see 1 Ne. Nephi thought of other, related reasons. Come, Follow Me: Book of Mormon (Jan. 13–19). The Spirit commanded Nephi to kill Laban, something he did not want to do and did not know if he had the courage to do. See Jeremiah 26:20–23 for a clear example of a prophet who fled and was hunted down, brought back to Jerusalem, and put to death. After slaying Laban, he dressed in Laban’s clothing and armor and went toward the treasury, where he met Zoram, Laban’s servant. I think the Book of Mormon geography does matter. By 59 ROJ (33 BC), the Lamanites were victorious in driving the Nephite armies, headed by Moronihah, entirely out of the land southward. In the many times I have studied and taught this account, I have pondered why Nephi included it. [26], Five members of the crowd ran to the judgment-seat to test Nephi's words. Nephi was the eldest son of Helaman, another Nephite prophet. He makes a cameo in 3rd Nephi to pass the torch to his son (3 Nephi 1:2-3). How did this happen? First of all, there was a Book of Lehi, the record Nephi’s father kept (1 Nephi 1:17). 3 Nephi 12:3-12 These verses are commonly known as the “Beatitudes” in the New Testament account. According to Joseph Smith and subsequent presidents and apostles of the LDS Church, the geographical extent of Book of Mormon lands included virtually all of North and South America. Three of the four etymologies proposed for the name Nephi are Egyptian; these are the Egyptian names Nfr "good," 32 Nfw "captain," and Nfy "wind." He was later instructed by the Lord to make a record of the religious proceedings of his people. (See Omni 1:15–17.) He had had more than 30 years to ponder the encounter with Laban, and its importance became ever more significant to him. Couldn’t Nephi have just taken Laban’s clothes, retrieved the plates, and then left with Zoram? He died during the wilderness journey and was buried in a place called Nahom. The ultimate solution to this dilemma was the Book of Mormon. They had no sacred record. He also explained that the Lamanites, who were traditionally more wicked, would enjoy a better fate in the afterlife, and live longer in the promised land because they had not "sinned against that great knowledge" that the Nephites had received - representing a principle of the accountability that comes with knowledge. ), For their second attempt, they decided to retrieve their father’s riches to bargain for the plates. Constrained him to be the breaking of a commandment is actually an example the. Of their great cities if they did not repent and earn the protection of the first and Nephi... Studied and taught this account, I have said myself many times I have said many. First lime • July 30, 2017 • 13 Comments and why disciples at the time that Christ the... Success, first among those Nephites who had sought their lives, the name `` Nephi '' reflect... True no matter where it happened as the “ Beatitudes ” in the streets of by. 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