Required fields are marked *. Honestly, with the Hearthfire add-on, I’m rather partial to Rayya, the Housecarl you get as Thane of Falkreath. Your email address will not be published. It is a critical choice to make. She is one of the most beautiful Skyrim best wife you can find. Marriage Requirements: Take her on as your follower, she’ll mention marriage if you wear the Amulet of Mara. To win her you’ll have to make a special delivery for her. Get or make armor better than they are wearing. Indeed she’ll work as hard as she can till she finishes her job. Where to find her: The Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun, Marriage Requirements: Hire her at least once. )… <3. Where to find her: Riverwood Trader shop in…Riverwood, Marriage Requirements: Complete the Golden Claw quest. She is particulally useful as a tank protector for the player to DPS as she provides high damage output. 2/28/2013. It depends on what you want! Although to be honest all the housecarls are much of a muchness (Iona in Riften, Lydia in Whiterun, Jordis in Solitude, all from the original game – the male ones have similar stats if gentlemen are more to your taste). any suggestions will help. i finally went home after apparently a really long time away and my wife said my cut of the profits was 4900 gold. I recommend Brelyna Maryon, of the winterhold college. Sort by. I gave Lydia a giant’s club and she won’t unequip it no matter what weapon I give her. She's definitely in my top two of best wife material too, if you want your wife to also be a … This meal will help you renegenerate your health, stamina and Magicka. She is accustomed to merchant trading and improves her experience. She is a Nord warrior and you can find her in Riften. Definitely one of the best wife in Skyrim. It’s amazing that you can marry a wife from any race in Skyrim. For me, Rayya is cool as (a) the only non-Nord among the housecarls and (b) dual-wielding scimitars. Serana can interact with her immediate environment outside the combat zone unlike the other characters. She has many advantages and can be really useful when it comes to battle. 2. share. share. You will find her in Riverwood and where she runs a trade shop alongside her brother. I am having a hard time picking. Drop the "Hroki Best Wife and Companion mod.esp" in your Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data folder and make sure its checked before you play :D.-----Plans for future installments -----~`Some added flavor text ~ Getting her to keep some clothing on :P ~Giving her a house in Markrath To help you find your Skyrim best wife, here is the Skyrim best wives list for you; where can you find them, and how can you get to marry them. According to Elder Souls, you can however only marry one wife and can’t remarry at any point. Marriage Requirements: Complete the Mourning Never Comes quest, available after completing one of the first three contracts given after joining the Dark Brotherhood. While Mor Khazgur probably isn’t somewhere you’ll stumble upon very early in the game; it … She is Nord and skilled in archery and blocking. I know what you’re thinking, Orcs are arguably the least attractive race behind Argonians but hear me out. level 1. You will have access to a bedroom in the Hag’s Cure upon marrying her. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. She is unkillable too. Another member of the companions, almost identical to Ria but with a wee bit more talents available to her. Don’t know why but it’s a nerve grinder, You entitled femtards have nothing better to do than to look for anything you can feel offended about. Ria is an Imperial. She can be discovered in the Dimhollow Crypt. Not only the best wife, Aela the Huntress is among the best followers in the entirety of Skyrim. It will likewise confer detailed information on how to locate and marry her. Enjoy the comment bitch. I can tell you the worst wife I had was Camilla Valerius. To marry Mjoll you’ll need to complete the quest to return her sword Grimsever. She becomes a cold blooded vampire after pledging herself and undergoing a ritual by Molag Bal. The same also applies to the Skyrim game. 63 comments. Who is the most beneficial to marry? Jenassa is a good wife as well as a good combat asset. Mjoll the Lioness can be a follower as well as a wife, showing high degrees of strength in battle with strong combat skills, all the way up to level 40. 89% Upvoted. She wagers 100 gold to engage in a brawl with her. Borgakh is the first Orc in our best wives in Skyrim list. I'm wondering what the best wife for dialog options is. To make her interested in you, you need to do a Special Delivery for her. You may also be interested in our Skyrim Hottest Husbands Guide. She is a very powerful character when in it comes to combat, armed with a banded iron armor. Aela is Supreme Werewolf Queen of Side-Boob, which makes her almost as popular a wife choice as cranky Lydia. Mjoll makes a great follower and also a great choice for a wife in Skyrim. Best Wife To Marry? Where to find her: Jorrvaskr in Whiterun. I usually marry Ysolda (I think is her name) from Whiterun because she has a nice voice (she doesn't annoy me), you get the bit of dialog, and her dream is to become a merchant anyway. PC 6 years ago. Marriage Requirements: Complete the Companions questline. Other than her, Ysolda has a special place in my heart because I helped her get a mammoth tusk early on in my first playthrough, and made her my innocent, non-adventuring wife lol This piece shortlists the best 10 women you can choose to marry and settle down with. , Dude, there are girl gamers too…how is it entitlement when the entire industry just pretends only men exist and when you point it out, you’re called a ‘femtard’? Moreover you’ll have to travel to Jorrvaskr to find her. Aela is an elite member of the companions in Whiterun. i’m really into vorstag in markarth. That’s a free 100 gold, then you’ll have the option to marry her or make her your follower (or both!). best answer: you're basing your skyrim wife entirely on looks. Dismiss Notice; Best wife in Skyrim. You’ll just have to be careful enough to pick the best. Ria is an imperial member of the companions. Her banded iron armour isn’t the best but she looks fierce and the face paint is cool. lol I even married her (Camilla) way back when I was playing the 2nd time through , on Ulfrics side, with a female character, a friend of mine laughed and said no wonder she didn’t give a look at the 2 guys chasing her she was a lez. So enjoy this comment, bitch. With many Skyrim players choosing to play a male character, potential female spouses are easy to seek out and rank.Possible husbands however haven’t received much attention, female/gay playthroughs are very common so it’s important to have some info out there regarding the best husbands in Skyrim! You can only court her after completing the Companions quest. only 100 a day? All three are skilled warrior women and possible followers, but Aela’s level cap is 50, while the others max out at 25. Here are the best and worst romances in the game. I only found her after 80 hours. In other words, Vilja is the perfect wife experience that you’ll find in Skyrim! Who is the best wife in Skyrim? You have been warned xD When you are married at home, ask to be followed then change armor. In New version, light armor only wears light, heavy wears heavy. Lydia is among the most popular wife candidates in Skyrim, and for a reason. Where to find her: The Hag’s Cure shop in Markarth. For you to have her hand in marriage you’ll have to first complete the companions questline just the same way as Aela The Huntress. I think Lydia is the prettiest but would rather a wife not in armor so I generally marry Camilla though it does get tiring being thanked for retrieving the claw constantly, but I do like having an extra store in Whiterun to sell stuff. The most amazing feature about her is that she is really useful in battle. Discussion in 'General Skyrim Discussion' started by Oliverjames, Jan 19, ... My real life wife is an immigrant from Kenya and running around with an in game wife who has an accent seems kind of appropriate. Her level cap is 50, which makes her one of the best followers in Skyrim. She one of the best hunters in Skyrim. You should seek out Uthgerd as soon as possible, as she’ll wager 100 gold for a brawl. In addition she has perfected her long arrange attacks hence a pretty good fighter. Where to find her: The Bannered Mare in Whiterun, Marriage Requirements: Take her wager and beat her in a brawl. 63 comments. Where to find her:You can find her in the Hall of Attainment in the College of Winterhold, Marriage Requirements: Complete the Brelyna’s Practice quest. In other words, Vilja is the perfect wife experience that you’ll find in Skyrim! 11 votes, 32 comments. i know he’s not a woman, but i think he makes a great housewife. Stop talking nonsense. In combat, few followers can match her might. Camila Valerius. While Mor Khazgur probably isn’t somewhere you’ll stumble upon very early in the game; it is somewhere you’ll have to go eventually. Skyrim Marriage Benefits If you don't own a house already, getting married will give you the option of moving into your spouse's residence. Aside from that extremely chauvinist joke, she’s a pretty useful character that’ll serve as a great companion in your adventures. Choosing a Skyrim best wife can be a difficult task for many players. Available as a follower for just 500 gold, Jenassa can hold her own in combat and provide an excellent wife-follower hybrid. Who is the most beneficial to marry? Aside from that extremely chauvinist joke, she’s a pretty useful character that’ll serve as a great companion in your adventures. level 1. It’s because we have listed out the best Skyrim wives after our profound research. The only disappointing quality about her, is her drug dealing trade with the Khajiit. When The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim came onto the scene, it flipped the script on open-world action role-playing video games. If you have any query related to this article, Please do comment. This character can be your wife through the Skyrim journey up to level 50. She's a member of the Companions and also a … Capable of reaching up to level 50, you can obtain Aela as a follower early on in your adventures and she’ll follow you through the rest of them. Aela the huntress is undoubtedly one of the best followers you can get in the whole world of Skyrim, so it’s no surprise that she’d also make an amazing wife. Jenassa. save. Acquiring Mjoll as a Wife 1. The information here will also be useful in helping you determine their various locations so that you don’t traverse the entire Skyrim looking for a wife. She is quite independent as a wife, and if left alone she will carry on with her mining. Uthgerd even has her own house, yet again it’s an easy way of getting started in Skyrim. So let’s see who the best and hottest wife in Skyrim is… Jenassa. The most awesome thing about her is that you can make her your wife, follower and battle companion. Learn more about our use of cookies: cookie policy, Top 10 Worst Archetypes in Yugioh History,, Top 10 Best Towers in Bloons Tower Defense, Ranking the Best Heroes in Bloons Tower Defense, 10 Best One For All Champions – League of Legends. ... You may now register with your Facebook or Steam account! She's strong, calm and loyal, which are all good qualities. She is the Supreme Werewolf Queen and is a very popular choice for a wife. This thread is archived. All you need to do is accept Borgakh as a follower, and she’ll follow you. I go with Camilla Valerius. She is a Nord warrior and you can find her in Riften. There's a mod for that. In spite of doing all that you still have to become Thane of Whiterun. You can find her in Whiterun at the Bannered Mare. Lydia was there, so I recruited her. She’s a very easy wife to get too. The only person with a hint of depth? You will find her in Riverwood and where she runs a trade shop alongside her brother. To ease up the decision, read through our Skyrim marriage guide on best wives and how to marry them. Her childhood was difficult and this taught her to be very strong. Borgakh is the first Orc in our best wives in Skyrim list. I just started another character in Skyrim and wanted to marry someone new, I usually go with Aela the Huntress. hide. You want to see entitlement? These wives have been ranked depending on what they offer to your character in terms of gameplay. Here we’ve shared the brief info of the top 12 best wives to marry in the Skyrim game. lmao Anyway, as I said, if you could get Lydia out of the armor I think she’d easily be #1, in looks anyway. As well as effectiveness in combat, Njada shows skill in speech, pickpocketing and sneaking too. Sort by. You will be able to join forces with her fairly early in the game so the two of you can explore the world from the very start. Her resilient qualities make her fascinatinating to her male workers around. Serana. Who is the best wife in Skyrim? A member of the companions, the newest member and the only Imperial in the ranks. Marry her and make her your wife, follower and fighter. Aela is probably the most popular wife in Skyrim for good reason. Definitely one of the best wife in Skyrim. My personal bae, Camilla has plenty of men chasing her but if you meet the requirements, you’re the only potential spouse in her eyes. However, the only downside to marrying her is that she owns nothing hence you won’t inherit a thing when you marry her. In general, you’d only marry her to take maximum advantage of such facilities. Capable of reaching up to level 50, you can obtain Aela as a follower early on in your adventures and she’ll follow you through the rest of them. Where to Buy RTX 3060 Ti, RTX 3070, and RTX 3080 Gaming PCs (Updated) < > Showing 1-4 of 4 comments . There are many people in skyrim who you can marry. Dude why you want marry molag bal. In addition her other skills include light armor handling and one handed sneak. Aela the Huntress is badass, but she does not look a housewife at all…. How to Marry in Skyrim. The most amazing thing about her is brave personality even though she was banished from her home town on false accusation. If you’re looking to choose a wife depending on their appearance, no list can tell you which is best as it’s completely down to your preference. She’s arguably the most beautiful potential wife on this list, something Faendal agrees with as he’ll continue to visit her, even if she gets married to someone else. report. Giving your character the ability to do anything they want results in hours (if not days) worth of questing, crafting, equipping, foraging, home decorating — the list goes on. However all this did not put Muiri down, she travelled across Skyrim and now works as an assistant in Markarth Hag’s Alchemy shop. Here are the 20 best Skyrim wives you can marry Aela the huntress. Serana is the best. The fight itself is straight-forward and although she seems intimidating, it can be won easily. This wikiHow teaches you how to marry someone in Skyrim by acquiring and equipping the Amulet of Mara and speaking to an eligible non-playable character. Then remove the armor and be ready for a big surprise! This piece shortlists the best 10 women you can choose to marry and settle down with. But as Gamergurl hinted at, it would be cool if you could design your wife, That would be awesome. Thereafter you’ll have to acquire a house for her at Breezehome. Where to find her: The Bee and Barb inn at Riften, or in the surrounding area. According to Elder Souls, you can however only marry one wife and can’t remarry at any point. In the surrounding stronghold, plenty of merchants and skill-relevant resources are available to use. This article will argue that Mjoll the Lioness is the best spouse in Skyrim. Borgakh also serves as a formidable follower, wielding powerful weapons and heavy armor. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a68895dfc1a14219494b4d73945c6559" );document.getElementById("e7e9ab3b1b").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for website owners to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon (.com,, .ca etc) and any other website that may be affiliated with Amazon Service LLC Associates Program. She’s part of the Dawnguard DLC and also a strong necromancer. So, keep this in mind before putting any efforts into trying to get her as a wife. Lastly she can’t be killed. As she can follow the player up to level 30, she’s another good choice when first starting off. You can check out our best Skyrim companions guide to find out exactly who you can or can't marry, because, just like the real world, you can't always get what you want. She's attractive looking, doesn't have a grating voice, and doesn't glitch and repeat the same line of dialogue over and over again. Mjoll is pretty great, unfortunately you (don't technically) have to murder Aerin, her annoying friend. Location: The Drunken Huntsman, Whiterun 2/28/2013. Thus, we believe that by reading this blog, you will become capable enough to choose the best Skyrim wife for you. Hey guys, I hope now you get to know about the Top 10 Best Wives in Skyrim. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Welcome to Skyrim Forums! Complete said quest and she won ’ t remarry at any point Take! 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