Malabar Farms. … Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on Earth. The two factors which explain the last 300+ years of climate change are also identified in a peer reviewed paper published in Energy and Environment, vol. Such as the following: Yep, big oil gives to big green, who lobbies big government to act against big coal, to convert to big natural gas so big oil wins. No-one is trying to impeach Cowtan. FY 2012 19,781 Application of this analysis methodology to CO2 levels for the entire Phanerozoic eon (about 542 million years) (Berner, 2001) proves that CO2 levels up to at least 6 times the present will have no significant effect on average global temperature. and that right soon. That’s enough times where the scientific herd mentality failed, and makes one think that consensus isn’t all it is cracked up to be. It finishes with this statement: The authors also acknowledge the reviewers for their invaluable, You are wrong. His Judgement Cometh and that Right Soon T-Shirt His Judgement Cometh and that Right Soon T-Shirt - Warden Nortons office is the setting for this classic quote. Their “About” page doesn’t give much information, and certainly no names or specific contacts. Except for the two million legally held firearms in the UK I guess you mean. Gee. 5. Good brownie points. Tweet Share Email Embed. The whole thing is stupid, because natural warming episodes prior to the MWP were even warmer. Thanks for stopping by. Fear God and keep His commandments, 1. It’s a fattie … err … biggie. Who prompted your participation here at such “inconvenient” times for Dr Soon? add your own caption. Lots of links for him though. This has to be the greatest example of agenda-driven journalistic malpractice in the history of the printed page, and the NYT has never disowned its role. “Consensus” just means that people have stopped thinking critically. Real journalism, that is. As for Greenpeace, they’re just applying Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals number 12: Destroy the Individual “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” After hearing one particular professor from a former soviet bloc country recount his fears about the government coming for him I realized the depth to which this political movement had infiltrated science. To go after a man and his livelyhood is WAY out of bounds on trumped up rhetoric. Yeah. In effect both instruments are irredeemable and neither has backing in the form of any verifiable segregated wealth in existence. Precisely. Under the gold standard government bonds were the instrument to which widows and orphans could safely entrust their savings. Soon failed to disclose relevant remuneration in 8 of 11 papers. Dr. The closest . I was not aware that there was a local workforce available in return for a undisclosed payment to a local charity. 10. While the sun and the light, Summary of Climate It has come about through unlawful delegation of power without imposing countervailing responsibilities. share. This just gets my blood boiling. See the About>Contact menu under the header. “I guess cooking climate data can be an expensive habit” Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Judgment Cometh (And That Right Soon): A Suspense Thriller (Joe Dillard Series Book 8). What is not to like. Open market operations are tantamount to check-kiting whereby two conspiring parties issue obligations that neither one has the intention or the means to honor but, when they come up for clearing, the phantom obligation of one party is covered with that of the other. The latter was sure to escape the laboratory and turn all the world’s water into jello, destroying life as we know it. You have to disclose to a journal money used FOR THAT PAPER. Read more: Malabar Farms. between UEA/CRU and WWF UK for the preparation and publication of a series The science isn’t correct. Period. That is a common mechanism among left-wing/democrat-supporting organizations and propagandist/political-influential groups. Soon, is somehow evil? Bruce Jenner as Busey’s wife Not only appears to be written by children, but children from a foreign country, who not only don’t have a working knowledge of the English language, but don’t know the difference between Washington and Wisconsin, then refers to Wisconsin State as Washington City. Now…respond to the science. Find your thing. Great is our Lord and mighty in power; His understanding has no limit. From the same source, this headline: Scientists from the United China States and are saying they have found new insight on what really exists at the core of our planet suggesting that there could be another distinctive region in there. Pointman. Say RAC, She and her ilk are only continuing a noble tradition of self-help (greed), non-judgementalism (immorality) and pride in their work (inflated sense of self-entitlement) that has been pioneered by socialism, and brought to fruition by the greatest social engineers since Brunel, Messrs Brown and Blair. It is worth remembering that state socialism was explicitly atheistic, “rational”, and “scientific”. In your words, “Period”. • Research grants from funding agencies (please give the research funder and the grant number) A pretty obvious smear. The media coverage of the Governor’s resignation has generally ignored the connection with “Big Green”. 295,856 shares. I dont know a quick question about the shawshank … No warming for the past 18 years. Crime of Omission Add to the consensus of old: (since 1968. David Mulberry writes on the WUWT Facebook page: It will no doubt astound many readers to learn that there are more than 26,500 American environmental groups. Quote by Ted Turner, billionaire, founder of CNN and major UN donor, and large CO2 producer: “A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.” Includes research grants, project sponsors, speaking honoraria (a common pharma ploy). How much is Big Green receiving from Soros? JP, I did a Who Is of MicroCapObserver dot com and the owner info is protected. Indeed, you will find Climate Change apologists have got to the Piltdown wiki entry and crafted it to try to turn attention away from this close analogy. That’s a bait and switch argument and you know it. Table 1 Show Printable Version; January 10th, 2010, 09:09 PM #1. stillern. Popcorn. AGW alarmism could make them a bundle–which is why oil company funding was a part of the climategate scandal. Good comment. It is not a quote found in the Bible. g. In the Interest of full and complete disclosure: The above research was funded in part from the proceeds of a grant from the Government of New Zealand. Check-kiting by anybody else constitutes a crime dealt with by the Criminal Code. What part of Eugenics has been overturned? Hello Select your address Best Sellers Prime Video New Releases Books Help Home & Garden Gift Ideas Electronics Gift Cards & Top Up PC Free Delivery Shopper Toolkit Sell Prime Video New Releases Books Help Home & Garden Gift Ideas Electronics Gift Cards & Top Up PC Free Delivery Shopper Toolkit Sell Look at the documents. I believe the timing of this slamming of Soon was tied to wanting to ignore the “problem in Oregon.”. In other words, character assassination from folks who have defended mega-assassins. How about the books he sold? This failure has to do, first and foremost, with the incestuous financing of research ever since the Federal Reserve System was launched in the United States in 1913. If one had to bet on the great mass killer in this century it is surely environmentalism: Any of that 60 billion in recent Big Government funding in your pocket you need to protect from Big Finance’s part of their 30 trillion in carbon future trading? The media today is not about news, it’s about liberal cheerleading, promoting the Progressive cause and blindly attacking anything which is not compatible with the chaotic distopia promised land their Progressive oligarchy will be. Expect an extreme campaign against such methods of increasing oil reserves. There I read, and squinted hard to see even the tiny stuff, but found this seems like a tempest in a teapot. Can anyone find an official rebuttal printed in a reputable scientific journal disagreeing with Soon’s paper in question? They also expect that intelligentsia they belong to should be touting for a brute need of reduction of population. Good to see you here! He suddenly realizes that he enjoys the money & power, and if there a few character assassinations along the way, so be it. Movies. of the work and also John Kennedy at the Hadley Centre, who Al Gore’s Alliance for Climate Protection took in $19,150,215. You can try to divert attention to Al Gore or anyone else you like, but that doesn’t change the facts: Dr. It used to be such a nice color, not a color for petty enviro-tyrants. [end of excerpt]. are reminiscent of shell companies hiding ill-gotten gains off-shore. The point is that the NYT has a history of conflict of interest, bias, advocacy, and currying favor with mass murderers. Nah. Shell is one of the big green supporters, and why not? The future did not contain a single perfect model, but more a description of what the model was not. The ethical problem, the money trail, has been elucidated quite well, in this case. I thought much the same about the Microcap Observer site (which I have also never heard of). A thirty year lag time from starting smoking [WW II].) I’m afraid, dear Gildas, your noble sense of fairness is so 20th century. Eugenics is a perfectly science-based concept – we don’t like the idea for ethical rather than scientific reasons…. Either hidden, public, tax-free, taxed, or non-profit. EarthTemp network meeting (NERC Grant NE/I030127/1) for Unbelievbable, Soon, in relation to his Maunder Minimum studies, some years ago. I pointed out that his accusations were very vague, especially the one about not adequately citing previous work. 0 0. We have an unserious media. Soon that this cancer of AGW upon science can be overcome. All stops are out. Next time I lock myself out, for example, I will not pay a local locksmith an inordinate amount to change the locks. add your own caption. So consensus and a dollar will buy…well just about nothing now a days. Period. The tax payer gets the bill. The onslaught from the new Republican dominated Congress and Senate is going to be painful for them. So, to use the logic of the Greens… Should we also be concerned that Dr. Hume at CRU received money from WWF UK to produce pamphlets that were described as “deliverables?” Though my guess is that the intern who wrote it had no idea what he was saying, a letter from Dr. Soon’s lawyer might at least garner an apology. If I want the Abbey painted, I get down to my local B&Q and buy some white wash and a roller, or open the Yellow Pages and look under “Painters and Decorators”. Back in 2011 it was alleged that James Hansen accepted $1.4 million in “prizes” from activist groups and groups who benefit from climate legislation. Has he ever thought about the possibilities? John M February 24, 2015 at 2:04 pm Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. 6. Soon and Balunias published a peer-reviewed paper confirming the existence of the Medieval Warm Period [MWP]. You can obfuscate all you want, about whatever you want, but it doesn’t change the fact that he failed to meet those ethical requirements. No warming for 70% of the years between 1945 and 2015. Anna Larke. Soon did this paper on his own time with his own money. (Mods, please note that Fekete welcomes the public to repost his work, and has personally given me permission to do so.) Just a card number. Quote by John Davis, editor of Earth First! Or the 75 out of 13,500 Big Government-paid self-selected elite priests who refuse to acknowledge the evidence that CO2 is not affecting global average temperatures significantly, and that fossil fuels benefit ALL who live on the planet right now – including the plant life now growing 15 to 27% faster, longer, taller, more fruitfall and more drought-resistant? You can read the written policy for yourself. I guess cooking climate data can be an expensive habit, particularly for an oft-quoted and highly exalted U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) chief climatologist. I would encourage you to send along your own thoughts to the director and your DC representative. If you wonder why you have been hearing and reading endless doomsday scenarios about the warming of the Earth, the rise of the seas, and the disappearance of species and forests, for decades, the reason is mind boggling. Shawshank inspired, take this quote with you and let people know that his judgement cometh soon… • Millions of unique designs by independent artists. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. In addition to four government sources of potential CRU funding, it lists an equal number of “energy agencies” they might put the bite on. I am not sure of the differences between the government report below versus that stated in the article, but this 2014 FY government report indicates that the federal climate change budget/expenditures are in the order of $ 20 + billion dollars. Companies need to compete internationally to stay in business and why should the government criticize US business efforts to compete in the world economy legally. Share. If you read an article at Microcap Observer, the writer(s) seem to be near illiterate. I repeat my question to you. Also they don’t understand that the countries with high fertility are the countries they in other circumstances want to protect from ‘the western oppressors’. They will also recall the ultimate ironic meaning of those works, fate which awaits him. “In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. The Environmental Defense Fund listed $111,915,138 in earnings, the Natural Resources Defense Council took in $98,701,707 and the National Audubon Society took in $96,206,883. …and many more. Yet, how many times have we had a “consensus” of opinion only later to find that consensus overturned? It might be an error. When the grinders cease because they are few, Driessen and Arnold discovered that, among the 2012 incomes of better-known environmental groups, the Sierra Club took in $97,757,678 and its Foundation took in $47,163,599. * hired by Harvard approximately summer/fall 2013 What is so hard to understand? Jones has received since 1990. Gold Standard Manifesto: Dismal Monetary Science Soon at USC. and i agree…the money trail that links groups like greenpeace to big oil is obvious and in the public domain…hundreds of millions of dollars received and accepted from big oil certainly taints greenpeace’s perspective, no? But it had to go to on-line donations, had to be less than “recordable” (less than 5000.00 dollars) so the democrat party did not need to tell anybody who gave what amounts of money, and was being sent by (anonymous credit card “donations”) that could be computer processed with no personal input: No address verification, no zip code verification, no card security code verification, no names, no verification (by visual feedback) of any person at all. For example, Big Finance might have 55 trillion (not 30 trillion) in carbon futures at stake for loss if CAGW is proved wrong! Arguably, the biggest “consensus” overturned in the modern era is the “inevitable” advent of state socialism in the early 20th century. His judgement cometh and that right soon. JohnM your question is as irrelevant the second time as it was the first. I often think of the warden as a figurehead for people like Dr. Lawrence Torricello, who once called for the death of climate skeptics. “Cracking Big Green” examined the Internal Revenue Service Form 990 reports of non-profit organizations. And worse, the media is completely silent about it. and that right soon They did not want to be seen on camera saying that AGW was at best a scam. This will be a very high priority for them going forward. 5. (Miriam O’Brien aka slandering “Sou” from Hotwhopper, that means you.). Yes. I found that the failure to cite adequately is based on not citing a couple of rather old papers, and one relatively recent, regarding the prior art of energy balance in climate studies. “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.” As long as I’ve followed the climate debate (since 2007 thanks to Al Gore) the alarmists are have been screeching from the rafters about some of Dr Soon’s funding. It looked to me like some kind of settlement was reached and that the parties agreed to keep the settlement confidential. The thymus has no function. In the day when the keepers of the house tremble, That is what it is, and the NYT stands accused of it in its article about Willie Soon. His Judgement Cometh and that Right Soon T-Shirt – Warden Norton’s office is the setting for this classic quote. Yeah, since ‘problem’ is a very human thing. The moon and the stars, At a minimum, it is bizarre that small fry like Soon get fried, yet the whale of a tale goes unmolested. Smear campaign: "His judgment cometh and that right soon". What they failed to understand is that the population growth is already much based of better health care, fertility being very low excluding a small portion of countries. That doesn’t even reach the level of good science fiction. Why is the expenditure much less in the article? It is not a quote found in the Bible. Since the quote turned out to be wildly ironic, I thought it was appropriate for what’s happening to Dr. Willie Soon at the hand of green activists and the compliant media. Great prices on your favourite Home brands, and free delivery on eligible orders. The left is targeting him for a public execution. 5 0. 7. Multinational banks rush in to pre-empt the OMC in buying government securities first. A forensic accountant acquaintance once told me that the proliferation of “green charities” and their often bewildering multiple links to each other, etc. You must wake up to and accept the new 21st century moral-lite world which is administered by the media/politics/public sector and which you bloggers whingingly refer to as the “Westminster Bubble”. Another of Appell and Perlwitz’ complaints against Monckton, et al, is that the work is just terribly wrong. On p 36 is a Final Report, listing a number of papers as “deliverables”. The Times lied, millions died, as they say. Furthermore, I would submit to you that this incestuous financing of research in monetary dynamics is the great unseen force animating the debauchery in climate research so well documented by WUWT, as corrupted money corrupts all of society. But if error is what has them so exorcised, then why don’t they calm down, ignore the paper, and the errors will bloom in the light of day on their own? Furthermore his latest paper was on his and his collaborators own dime for gosh sakes. The Cold War funded the Space Race. Some material from contributors may contain additional copyrights of their respective company or organization. 97% Upvoted . Given the highly politicized nature of this whole issue, I’d probably have attached a list of anyone I ever got a dime from just to avoid this kind of thing. The fourth — Renewables North West — is an American company promoting the expansion of solar, wind, and geothermal energy in the Pacific Northwest. It’s rather more specific than Rud’s paraphrase indicates: It appears to be entirely natural. Love this one. One could go on and on. THUS THE CO2 CHANGE FROM BURNING FOSSIL FUELS HAS NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON CLIMATE. I see contemporary environmentalism as this century’s version of 20th century state socialism. For a unit area, the units of a forcing are Joules/sec. Quote by John Davis, editor of Earth First! A plough horse is physically different from either. “Examples of potential conflicts of interests that are directly or indirectly related to the research may include but not limited to the following: Oh. That book only has 12 chapters. Name Server: NS56.DOMAINCONTROL.COM Surprised the warmists don’t talk about this one. The No Pressure Ad remind us again of the number of alarmist papers have made it clear where their funding comes from ? He greens also have problem in regards to say sexual harassment Poor, under appreciated, under paid science professor realizes that he can make big money by cooking up some awesome climate data, they call it ‘green math’. According to the journal Nature Geoscience, the reason behind this is that the pattern of the iron crystals in is not […] “Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, Judgement cometh for Warden Norton. dont you mean “belief” systems? ““Cracking Big Green” examined the Internal Revenue Service Form 990 reports of non-profit organizations. Posted by 4 months ago. See below: The same people who don’t believe engineers about steel and concrete and pressure waves and metal strength, now believe actors and politicians who can’t pass divinity school about complex heat transfer equations and intrinsic feedback mechanisms of 3d fluid flow and radiation? journal: “The extinction of the human species may not only be inevitable but a good thing.” Of course, those familiar with “The Shawshank Redemption” will recall the tapestry which adorned the wall in Warden Norton’s office: it reads “His judgment cometh, and that right soon”. Did Hansen reveal yet how many millions he received from anonymous political donors for his official decisions and actions as head of NASA-GISS? When one rises up at the sound of a bird, 1 decade ago. What could you do for helping the poor improve their environment with hundreds of millions per year? A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.”, Gentle Readers, But they didn’t admit it! What are your ethical obligations to your masters of your budgets? One sentence that appears to be original is this one: Even though Soon has not answered anything regarding the falsified papers, he claims that Corporate funds has [sic] not biased his scientific discoveries. And yet, no such latitude has ever been extended to scientists in the skeptical camp. Music. I’ll second that. “According to Washington City Governor Scott Walker (R) he is not sure if US President Barack Obama love (sic) America.” – Jonathon Moseley, American Thinker, “…flashy (apparently widely distributed)”– Michael E. Mann, Material on this website is copyright © 2006-2021, by Anthony Watts, and may not be stored or archived separately, rebroadcast, or republished without written permission. The Battle for the Truth about Global Warming, “…invaluable” – Steven F. Hayward, The Weekly Standard, “…changed the world and is one of the most influential resources on global warming. 549 reviews A Supreme Court Justice is found cut into pieces in the back of a pick-up truck. If someone disagrees with Willy’s work let them find fault with the work, if all they can do is find fault with the person, then they probably can’t find fault with the work. I think a reminder of the air conditioning trick should be brought forward and reframed as the deception it was. in english. As a result a veritable deluge of worthless papers has glutted the technical literature on money which have one common earmark: they all attempt to defend the indefensible, the issuance of irredeemable promises to pay: bonds issued by the Treasury and notes issued by the Federal Reserve banks. It appears there has been for decades, a consensus of authority that we should not switch from Uranium to Thorium. His judgement cometh and that right soon. @ RACookPE1978 Three — the Carbon Trust, the Northern Energy Initiative, and the Energy Saving Trust — are U.K.-based consultancy and funding specialists promoting “new energy” technologies with the goal of reducing carbon dioxide emissions. 44. PEOPLE OFTEN ASCRIBE motives to others when these are THEIR OWN MOTIVES. The new values favor ephemeral knowledge, myopia in planning, instant gratification, marginalization of savers, consumerism, debt-creation with abandon, without seeing how it can be retired, scientific charlatanism, spreading half truths. Radical mastectomy is the only way to treat breast cancer. In return I shall make a donation to the local RSPCA. His Judgement Cometh - YouTube (Jan 13, 2021) His Judgement Cometh. One can but hope…. Never ever received any solicitations from any energy or other natural resource based entity, seeking any support from me of their positions; well they never ever even stated their positions on resource based industries that I was ever aware of. Dr. Willie Soon is an aerospace engineer affiliated (part-time) with the Harvard Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics who publishes weak climate papers (always, always, with the same unsubstantiated “it’s all just natural solar variation” chant).He’s now been caught out by communists Greenpeace researchers. Just do the only good thing for yourselves and join the “Looters’ Club”, as most of the Labour, Tory and Lib-Dem politicians already have, and stop your complaining. The phrase "His judgment cometh and that right soon" as entered does not exist in the Bible. Are you saying that Soon received funding from Southern for the “Models run Hot” paper? Which should be reported and when ? Willie Soon declared that he had no conflict, that’s what’s being discussed. congressman is even investigating him. Gildas, you being a simple man of the cloth, you wouldn’t be aware of this, but it’s a system that’s been in operation in the backrooms of certain pubs (obviously not the Raccoon Arms) for many years. The Microcap Observer is, ah, factually challenged. Instant classic that would spawn three movies and two spin offs. Your figures indicate right at 60 billion dollars for the last three years alone, so the accepted value of 92 billion paid to the priests of the CAGW religion for their results is probably much too low. Who has an anti-science attiude? Swiss Geologist Studies 10,800-Year Old Tree Trunk Under Alps Glacier. Lindsey Lohan as his research assistant Government is like the mobster who breaks your legs and then loans you some crutches so you can go to work. Byron Hadley, the sadistic and cruel head guard, is arrested for multiple murders. We pride ourselves on the ability to see over the horizon and to identify long-term policy trends that present both risks and opportunities for our clients.” Legislation, regulatory reforms, and new federal oversight are affecting industries in evolving ways, with both near- and long-term impacts on business models. Authority But as with the statisticians who produced the Wegman Report debunking Michael Mann’s ‘Hockey Stick’, anyone stepping off the rteservation must be attacked mercilessly, no matter how flimsy and trumped-up the accusations. And the reaction of the bloggers? Raw Registrar Data As they say: “let the battle be joined”. See more on this and discover the two factors that do cause climate change (95% correlation since before 1900) at . Please quit besmirching the color green, give us back the color green. A long PDF collection is here. The radioactive decay was discovered by Rutherford, and the age of the earth was found to be much older. • Honoraria for speaking at symposia Now all we need is a bald guy with a goatee as a lead character. The stomach is sterile. No Big Government money coming my direction telling me what to write. And, if $25,000.00 dollars spent 10 years ago buys a skeptic’s opinion, how many Big Government-paid scientists can Big Finance buy for 92 billion dollars spent to justify 1.3 trillion dollars in new taxes to Big Government to support 30 trillion in carbon futures for Big Finance so Big Science can spend its next 92 billion dollars? Whether good or evil.”. providing computing facilities and to the organizers of the 2013 11. The perfect solution for Dr. Willie Soon – become an Aussie. They are primed to make a bundle from alternative fuels. Why change the subject? The democrat party in 2012 election ran ads overseas asking for money – hundreds of millions of money. Did not falsify research it is, and “ scientific ” about adequately! Evil oneself same goes for humanity, there ’ s more extortion a poor man 's mouth reacheth to list... Big green ” examined the Internal revenue Service form 990 reports of non-profit organizations you are... 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