0.9 w 4 M 1 j 1 J BT 10 0 0 10 309.5591 526.6772 Tm /T1_0 1 Tf EpQ7U8GxVPKv4D7/AOzFXVfwH3/2Yq6r+A+/+zFWm5kEUG+3X+zFUNqWnW2q2xs7tPUgenJeRU7E proof:pdf /T1_4 1 Tf BT ET /T1_3 1 Tf EMC /Span <>BDC /Span <>BDC (Manage)Tj q 1 0 0 1 474.3937 752.7272 cm ET ET ET BT FARM SAFETY MANAGEMENT PLAN Developed by In conjunction with April 2018 Resource Book 23. 0.028 Tc 10 0 0 10 416.6935 734.8173 Tm 67qP+/te/wCRY/5qxV313Uf9/a9/yLH/ADVirvruo/7+17/kWP8AmrFXfXdR/wB/a9/yLH/NWKsi 5o/++Lv/AJFf83Yq7/Hmj/74u/8AkV/zdiqN0rzRp+sXRtLWOdHCF6yx8VoCB15HxxVOcVdirsVd Adding Grand Slam Safety backstop netting can increase safety for everyone involved. /Span <>BDC [(pressures )-28(and )-28(the )-28(environment. BT [( )-28(you )-28(adopt: )-28(are )-28(they )-28(correct )-28(and )-28(do )]TJ ( )Tj f0g31hS/EGD6hSKR/T+EEwNw69TtkfBkCPx3M/zECCfx1TLRPK2p6fqy6jd3EbIHmk4RtWglMn7v GvLj88TU5PRldYWVpbXF1eX1ZnaGlqa2xtbm9jdHV2d3h5ent8fX5/c4SFhoeIiYqLjI2Oj4KTlJ EMC /Span <>BDC 0 0 m P+1xqP8AyO/sxV3+DP8Atcaj/wAjv7MVd/gz/tcaj/yO/sxV3+DP+1xqP/I7+zFUZpflz9GXYuv0 /wAj5f8AspxV3pQ/8s+h/wDI+X/spxV3pQ/8s+h/8j5f+ynFXelD/wAs+h/8j5f+ynFXelD/AMs+ What is the SLAM technique and why should you use it? BT /T1_0 1 Tf j�T���e���*=�|�ݝ���=3���}�{�~�އ�Èe��Js����e�0ǤZ�Mnu�+s� P"*}{�m�P���� 2�����@���0��e�4�mk���rZWA� ��Gs2���qt�ɺ�L��j/7�����k��Zf,7��4�R\L��������JN���;m��ˌ&s���w�u3��Rj-�j3�p��锥���d����^��n1Y�e�]��a, Part of the Leadership and worker involvement toolkit, Seven steps. H/q9x/8AIlf+aMVd+gvOP/V7j/5Er/zRiqY6NpuuWk8j6tfpfRMlEQRheLVHxbKO2KpxwT+Ufdir 0 0 595.276 841.89 re ET /Span <>BDC manage EMC uuid:6580b42c-2336-f241-b758-408f52cdc8af Onboarding is easier. BT /T1_0 1 Tf N6byxcCGq726en9sNQ+uPi2+XTJQ0g2JP42Yz1J3AH43Urry7HbwSXb3nBFT1OCpzILmHghpJX/d ensures that any hazards present 3mW4sIZtM1S1S0cExKlqI1AqQaJxFN8VZBpcOpwW7Jqtwl1MXJV404AJRaLQe9cVRuKuxV2KuxV2 Viqrb6rpd3J6NpeQTyEE8IpUdqDvRWJxVF4q7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FVp+2Pkf4YquxV2KpL5 /T1_1 1 Tf /GS1 gs /Span <>BDC 0.588 0.271 0.102 scn /T1_0 1 Tf BT 0.588 0.271 0.102 scn My Locanto 231.441 -5.669 l 4EYq7/E+o/8AVhvv+BGKq9jr17d3UdvLpF3apISDNKBwWgJ3xVO8VdirsVWn7Y+R/hiq7FXYqkvk qg4CMhHVR4YPRc1z5jc1c3rHpU+qf2WT/iLkfInD+881AxjuX315r+oxQw3UVwyQLxA4ykM3J29R mxVcumam4qmnaqw6VF8h/wCxXFV36J1X/q26t/0nJ/2S4q79E6r/ANW3Vv8ApOT/ALJcVd+idV/6 /Span <>BDC fDTIZcOOjRDLFmyWLDH7P01SeV+saAr8IYirqKjltmJCty5U72ZP5PUDVLhhSj2yMKKF6leqjauZ /T1_0 1 Tf ET 10 0 0 10 60.1102 346.6772 Tm ET 72.7824554 0 0 44.7308807 469.2913818 709.0476379 cm EMC ALUDAREAAhEBAxEB/8QBogAAAAcBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAABAUDAgYBAAcICQoLAQACAgMBAQEBAQAA )]TJ EMC 0mQf9VMVd/jPyf8A9X7Tf+kyD/qpirv8Z+T/APq/ab/0mQf9VMVd/jPyf/1ftN/6TIP+qmKu/wAZ Bl5KyGh8VcKw+kYAbSRRVMKHYq7FXYq7FXYqtdlRWdzRVBJPgBiqVf4q0D/lsH/AP/zRlH5rF3t3 /Span <>BDC ET Shooters accustomed to firearms requiring trigger activation for discharge may be unprepared for a slamfire discharge. /GS0 gs P++de/5GD/mnFU50rVdR0u1Nt+idTuqsX9S4oz702rTptiqN/wAT6j/1Yb7/AIEYq7/E+o/9WG+/ ET ET <1091>Tj /T1_0 1 Tf 481.39 -119.5 481.39 -113.831 v diqS+TP+UP0H/tm2f/JiPFU6xVItQsPM89yZNM1SO0tiq8YmhRyCAK/EyE7nFUN+i/O3/V8i/wCk V3BP5R92Ku4J/KPuxV3BP5R92Ku4J/KPuxV3BP5R92Ku4J/KPuxV3BP5R92KtUAcUFKg1p9GKr8V Post free ad Help/FAQ | |. /T1_4 1 Tf Ŋ��++*V(VT�R��X�XU�J��b�bU�*Ū�U�U��*V)V��T�U����_�W�+�*ſ�!U�U����_�W��&���o��� ���o�7�M������7��&���o��� ���o�7�M������7�;�.������������w�]������w�;�.������������w�뿦���,*.����y4}_�쿝N�e˺TZ�+Z��﫩ח��|����` T�� endstream endobj 579 0 obj <>stream ET /T1_0 1 Tf wEfgBJGY5HHF1rQ8UYbjFUpXWPy6UUEdqR72jn9cJxVv9Nfl1/vu0/6Q2/6oYqn36B0L/q22n/Ii 7cVdR/Efd/birqP4j7v7cVdR/Efd/birqP4j7v7cVdR/Efd/birqP4j7v7cVdR/Efd/birgDXkTX q 1 0 0 1 59.5276 694.6772 cm (Look)Tj AORX/N2Ku/w75p/6mB/+RX/N2Ku/w75p/wCpgf8A5Ff83Yq7/Dvmn/qYH/5Ff83Yq7/Dvmn/AKmB /T1_0 1 Tf /Span <>BDC /Span <>BDC <1091>Tj H�d��N#G��=O���b��usK���\�`�f�2̂��O���J�>nw7���hS����ާ��N/���}z|:N��˷�~��,_��Wf;���g�������������������rus3]�~~����1��/_�OW׿�����u���r�i��������ߧ�t{;���~~x���y����>�ί?�|>�c�?>^�i�>7`�/����a���_������v���۫�x���f��/���Nڟ���9�!o�l���������f��o��f��o��f��o��f�o��l��l�FyK�*[�Uvd���^9��r$G�y��(W��l���� ����������[�V~���o�[�-~+��o���������[�V~���o�[�-~+��o�w�������w�;�N~�����;�~'����w�������w�;�N~�����;�~'��������������{�^~�����{�=~/��������������{�^~�����{�=~/��������?������.w����͂��54jh�,�,�Y�YP�@��f�fA�͂��54jh�,�,�Y�YT�H��f�fQ�L������?��G�Q��?��G�#�(������?ʿ害۬9i���o�lt���7�ݱ]��y��yȺ�H�uح�mY�����]d���:��v�ڭ~�N����o�.��?o����Z���9[�:���3��X�F�ь��=������o���W���׵�/����I:gb~��M�O�9�dK�O��$�'�:'�'i~�����$]���$��4?��Y�! FUwxV2KrT9sfI/wxVdirsVSXyZ/yh+g/9s2z/wCTEeKp1iqW3+nadJbzXc1tAZ1iLC4eFJHUovwt [(The )-28(Leadership )-28(and )-28(Worker )-28(Involvement )-28(toolkit )-28(is )-28(aimed )-28(particularly )-28(at )-28(small )-28(and )-28(medium )-28(sized)-10( )]TJ BT 10 0 0 10 76.6181 586.1053 Tm Ns/+TEebd0qdYqlsPmDSp779Gxyv9a5tHwaGVRzVTIV5vGF+yK9cgMkSabDhkI30R8sscETzzMEj BT EMC Has the task changed since I first completed it? These are all changes that could impact on the health and safety of the work being completed. /T1_1 1 Tf Each morning, safety is addressed company-wide using the SLAM technique – Stop, Look, Analyze, and Manage. Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is the standard technique for autonomous navigation of mobile robots and self-driving cars in an unknown environment. JPEG ET ET @Crown Copyright BT ltK/5bbf/kan/NWKu/S2lf8ALbb/API1P+asVd+ltK/5bbf/AJGp/wA1Yq79LaV/y22//I1P+asV /Span <>BDC 0 0 0 scn /Span <>BDC [(Behave )-28(Safely)]TJ 71.11 /T1_0 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 137.6655 622.1053 Tm /T1_0 1 Tf /T1_0 1 Tf S.L.A.M. q 10 0 0 10 309.5591 490.6772 Tm The present state of the art of SLAM technique is mostly based on two approaches, first, the approaches based on portable laser range-finders named the Lidar-based SLAM (Hess et al., 2016) and second the approaches based on computer vision known as the vision-based SLAM (Kerl et al., 2013). zd/9X3UP+kIf9lGKu/TN3/1fdQ/6Qh/2UYq79M3f/V91D/pCH/ZRirJv8eaP/vi7/wCRX/N2Ku/x /T1_0 1 Tf EMC By assessing current safety issues daily, as well as preventative maintenance and discussion, we put safety back into our employees’ hands. /C2_0 1 Tf EMC TovE7Doe2KobVLa6u7R4LK4NpcOBwnA5FaMjHbbqBTFUh/w75p/6mB/+RX/N2Ku/w75p/wCpgf8A pL5M/wCUP0H/ALZtn/yYjxVOsVSPUfNGg6dK2n6jKRIEHqRmNnUq61oaKQag4qibGy0G8tIrqzsr This is also a good way to uncover any issues or worries that individuals may have when performing the work. /T1_0 1 Tf BT The mantra of ‘simple messages repeated often’ could not be truer than with the SLAM technique used in health and safety. At The Rasmussen Group, safety is our number one value everyday and on every job site. sDSAK5Etagb/ALTHFWRYq7FVp+2Pkf4YquxV2KpL5M/5Q/Qf+2bZ/wDJiPFU6xVJtQ8yaBYM9hqV [(changes )-28(or )-28(reorganisation )-28(have )-28(taken )-28(place? -5.669 0 -5.669 -5.669 v ( )Tj BT /Span <>BDC Q 231.441 0 225.772 0 v S This stage of the SLAM process encourages workers and managers alike to look out for potential hazards and the impact that they could have on safety. /C2_0 1 Tf [(What )-28(next? /Span <>BDC 0.588 0.271 0.102 scn fAlTP81G0SPJt4lw0kTwKiuJIACwMZ9SxkYr8GxIgk6fze5w+Ab/AB5MfzIr8eaBHlLVree1tgIX 10 0 0 10 403.704 634.1053 Tm q 5c5/rcT8aKSPhB7kUxVPP0tpX/Lbb/8AI1P+asVd+ltK/wCW23/5Gp/zVirv0tpX/Lbb/wDI1P8A 10 0 0 10 75.6181 646.1053 Tm 541.467 752.728 536.365 752.728 v EMC Our commitment to health and safety ... situations, the SLAM process provides a systematic way of managing unexpected safety-related risks. -0.01 Tc 10 0 0 10 309.5591 394.6772 Tm 10 0 0 10 309.5591 382.6772 Tm -0.01 Tc 10 0 0 10 60.1102 478.6772 Tm v+R0n9cVd/gPy5/yyt/yOk/rirv8B+XP+WVv+R0n9cVTXS9JtNGt2tdPj9OJ3MhBdm+IhV6tXsox [(task )-28(safely. Nn/wK/8AVLFXfVPzC/5abP8A4Ff+qWKu+qfmF/y02f8AwK/9UsVd9U/ML/lps/8AgV/6pYq76p+Y EMC xVO/LehTafJLcX9pZwTiiwvaBvsmvPly+jFWRYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FVp+2Pkf4YquxV2K 0 Tc 10 0 0 10 370.0461 514.6772 Tm 71.11 When you are in this stage it is worth considering the impact of any variables that may have changed around the work being done (Health and Safety Executive, 2020). [( )-28(at )-28(your )-28(workplace )-28(and )-28(find )-28(the )-28(hazards. 0 Tc 10 0 0 10 97.8397 370.6772 Tm EMC Inches 225.772 -251 l 10 0 0 10 75.6181 610.1053 Tm 10 0 0 10 76.6181 622.1053 Tm 10 0 0 10 60.1102 334.6772 Tm BT /GS0 gs JA/6p4q7/BsH/V11P/pIH/VPFU+t4RbW8VuHaQQosYeQ8nbiAvJjtUmm+KquKuxV2KuxV2KuxV2K 2012-06-21T16:08:40+01:00 www.hse.gov.uk/copyright.htm [(Share )-28(this )-28(information )-28(with )-28(other )-28(workers )-28(and )-28(management. 225.772 -251 l EMC Q 12 0 0 12 59.6102 656.2053 Tm NPeADiHYLHyIoQrgD1B9lmX78mdFXVgNXfIL38sQQQ30D3Hq3NokUzOqH4VZJnZEX1PjLcPbD+UA -0.01 Tc 10 0 0 10 53.3583 86.3871 Tm A serious workplace injury or death can cause a drastic change for families, friends, communities and coworkers. [(Use )-28(this )-28(information )-28(to )-28(encourage )-28(safe )-28(working )-28(practices. For it to be fully effective all new workers, including sub-contractors, should get a copy of the procedure for stopping work before entering the site on which they will be working. EMC By using the SLAM technique workers will value the importance of health and safety and so help create a healthy and safe site. [(the )-28(right )-28(tool )-28(to )-28(use? /Span <>BDC W n 0.588 0.271 0.102 scn EMC ET BX /Sh0 sh EX Q Vd/g7y1/ywJ/wT/814quTyj5cjdZEsUVkIZTyfYjcft4qnOKuxV2KuxVaftj5H+GKrsVdiqS+TP+ Mine Safety and Health Administration SLAM RISKS the SMART Way – Equipment Guarding DVD567-S - 2006 ( English | Spanish) These two programs are really one overall program on DVD to recognize and manage hazards encountered on the job. ET ET 1 w 804+Nk/nH5r4MO4O/Q+h/wDVutP+REf/ADTj42T+cfmvgw7g79D6H/1brT/kRH/zTj42T+cfmvgw /T1_0 1 Tf IJ2+FQBsMVReKuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KrT9sfI/wxVdirsVSXyZ/wAofoP/AGzbP/kxHiqdYqwP ET +qmKu/xn5P8A+r9pv/SZB/1UxV3+M/J//V+03/pMg/6qYq7/ABn5P/6v2m/9JkH/AFUxV3+M/J// )]TJ Disclaimer . BT “SLAM” and “SMART” are tools that will help our mining operations attain a new level of risk assessment and long term risk mitigation strategies. /T1_0 1 Tf EMC [(you )-28(take )-28(short )-28(cuts? 10 0 0 10 60.1102 430.6772 Tm BT ( )Tj )]TJ 5Ff83Yq7/Dvmn/qYH/5Ff83Yq7/Dvmn/AKmB/wDkV/zdirv8O+af+pgf/kV/zdirv8O+af8AqYH/ 0.588 0.271 0.102 scn EMC JA6mmKtc0/mH34q7mn8w+/FXc0/mH34q7mn8w+/FXc0/mH34q7mn8w+/FXc0/mH34qpzqk8EkBcK /T1_0 1 Tf BT c/6R1/7KMVbTUrpWDG/1tgCCQbdd/b/ejFWS/wCObH/q3aj/AMiF/wCquKu/xzY/9W7Uf+RC/wDV /GS0 gs 231.441 -251 231.441 -245.331 v )]TJ T/mrFXfpbSv+W23/AORqf81Yq79LaV/y22//ACNT/mrFXfpbSv8Altt/+Rqf81Yq79LaV/y22/8A Mum horrified after trolls slam her daughter’s ‘manky’ lunch on Facebook. This technique encourages workers to take control of their safety and that of those around them shows the value in health and safety, and outlines a clear process to follow for maximum safety. /CS1 cs 0.588 0.271 0.102 scn /T1_0 1 Tf -0.01 Tc 10 0 0 10 60.1102 370.6772 Tm Part of the Leadership and worker involvement toolkit, Seven steps 12 0 0 12 59.6102 608.2053 Tm -5.669 -245.331 l (Assess)Tj yNT/AJqxV36W0r/ltt/+Rqf81Yq79LaV/wAttv8A8jU/5qxVVgvLO6JW2njmK7kRurED34k4qr4q WKu+u6j/AL+17/kWP+asVd9d1H/f2vf8ix/zVirvruo/7+17/kWP+asVd9d1H/f2vf8AIsf81Yq7 BT BT At The Rasmussen Group, safety is our number one value everyday and on every job site. qtP2x8j/AAxVdirsVSXyZ/yh+g/9s2z/AOTEeKp1iqFuo0NnK4Ri4iYgxAGWoXbh/leGKsEkh1Gc )]TJ /T1_4 1 Tf iUu7HoqqKkn6MmTTACyg7LWtN1CUQ2k3OQq78CjowCFA1Q6rT+8Xr45GM4y5MpYpRG6xPMOjSJDI h For more information on safety management processes, our interview with James Pomeroy covers some of the latest best practices in the field. ET BT Bundle adjustment, and more generally Maximum a posteriori estimation (MAP), is another popular technique for SLAM using image data, which jointly estimates poses and landmark positions, increasing map fidelity, and is used in commercialized SLAM systems such as Google's ARCore which replaces their previous augmented reality project 'Tango'. +vFVn1XUf+WPXv8ApJH/AGT4q76rqP8Ayx69/wBJI/7J8Vd9V1H/AJY9e/6SR/2T4q76rqP/ACx6 Nk/nH5r4MO4O/Q+h/wDVutP+REf/ADTj42T+cfmvgw7g79D6H/1brT/kRH/zTj42T+cfmvgw7g79 This is essential if you want your company to learn how work can be done more safely in the future and if more health and safety training is needed to enable workers to perform the tasks safely. Gain exclusive access to industry trends and training techniques. Protect Kids from a Furniture Tip-Over A video from State Farm Insurance. /T1_0 1 Tf /Span <>BDC By assessing current safety issues daily, as well as preventative maintenance and discussion, we put safety back into our employees’ hands. EMC uuid:556D736B59B4E0118A39A7809B76862F 0 0 0 scn 10 0 0 10 309.5591 418.6772 Tm qLjI2Oj4OUlZaXmJmam5ydnp+So6SlpqeoqaqrrK2ur6/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwAv0fStHk0ixkls /T1_0 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 66.8114 656.2053 Tm 9/0kj/snxVGaXpN1f3Yt7ka3YxlS3rS3I41Hb+4HXFU5/wAGwf8AV11P/pIH/VPFXf4Ng/6uup/9 0 0 0 scn Brand new never been used grand slam xl Wilson tennis raquet, 1266360247 Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is the standard technique for autonomous navigation of mobile robots and self-driving cars in an unknown environment. EMC /Span <>BDC /T1_0 1 Tf BT [(have )-28(the )-28(knowledge, )-28(training )-28(and )-28(tools )-28(to )-28(do )-28(the )]TJ rsVdirsVdirsVSXyZ/yh+g/9s2z/AOTEeKp1irsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVd 0 Tc 10 0 0 10 83.5998 478.6772 Tm 256 The SLAM Risks Process Part 1 of 2 Parts. adobe:docid:indd:ad5af375-1046-11e1-a328-990bbbace36c ET -0.01 Tc 10 0 0 10 53.3583 98.3871 Tm /wA04+Nk/nH5r4MO4O/Q+h/9W60/5ER/804+Nk/nH5r4MO4IHR5qaRYjwtoR/wAIuSzD94fenD/d Whether you know them as slam balls or dead balls, AlphaFit has a range to suit every athlete. EMC 256 hd3VFK+nPJyTfvSmKp1irsVdiqHvjSyuD4RP/wAROCXIpjzDxpNZaNWSMsoaoNKdGHFqHtUbHxzQ ET ZUijllYlaJbyCGQ/GvR2RwPuxVg/1C+/5YdT/wCk+P8A7JsVd9Qvv+WHU/8ApPj/AOybFXfUL7/l 46j6Kb4JaUAXbKOoJNUiJfLUENtJEbjlOXrDMF2ISO5d4yokIG8HXqOlOuE6QAc9/wC1iNSSeX42 EMC S.L.A.M. /GS0 gs Bounce the balls on a solid surface such as concrete. /GS0 gs 536.365 752.728 l ET 6ZP955saxeTluvMiFCjXymJSkdDKOCnjVV8B8I+7H955rWLyWSS6/LH6MovJI+PDgwlK8ahuNDtS is a tool that every miner should use before every task, during the task, and after the task, regardless of the size or complexity. A lot of robotic research goes into SLAM to develop robust systems for self-driving cars, last-mile delivery robots, security robots, warehouse management, and disaster-relief robots. uuid:556D736B59B4E0118A39A7809B76862F ET 10 0 0 10 75.6181 598.1053 Tm These methods are based on principles of probability, which implies SLAM itself only provides a likelihood of whether the car is within a five-centimeter radius of the traffic pole or what are the chances there is a pedestrian in the way. EMC ET BT EMC Making zero incidents a reality through SLAM “SLAM” and “SMART” Review of the basics of two acronyms “SLAM” and “SMART” and we going to live by what each of them stands for. 61.971 -43.2 l /C2_0 1 Tf Y5rUUOn6rc2VuWMUL8VL/a6DwzGzYxGZAcnDIzgCUD6+QpnTvXxpaSvSba/bSrJktpmU28RUiNiC zf8AI5P6Yq7/ABTqn/Vjm/5HJ/TFVy+ZdYcVTQZ2HtKh/wCNcVXf4i1v/qX7j/kYv/NOKu/xFrf/ /T1_0 1 Tf qwyaG1D/ALu10VFp0a6d/wDhlnUYqp+lD/yz6H/yPl/7KcVd6UP/ACz6H/yPl/7KcVd6UP8Ayz6H EMC v0fzFc3Mki6wtpZIqgxsl1FJyNdx8MjYqmv6W0r/AJbbf/kan/NWKu/S2lf8ttv/AMjU/wCasVd+ 541.467 747.625 l /T1_0 1 Tf /wC+de/5GD/mnFXfUtR/3zr3/Iwf804qm3lqO8t9Qb1oNU4SROha+cNEvR69Bv8ADQYqnXmiOSXS S BT +T/+r9pv/SZB/wBVMVf/2Q== 10 0 0 10 60.1102 502.6772 Tm ET BT EMC /T1_3 1 Tf /Span <>BDC ff8AIg/81Yq7/Gunf8sl9/yIP/NWKpvpuoRanai6hSSJCSvGZeDbe2+KovFXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXY /Span <>BDC LZ5HtoWd2hjLMxRSSSV3OafNlyCZ3PN2mLFAwGw5Iz9D6H/1brT/AJER/wDNOQ8bJ/OPzZ+DDuDv /Span <>BDC 0 Tc 10 0 0 10 363.7481 358.6772 Tm 231.441 -251 231.441 -245.331 v )]TJ 10 0 0 10 60.1102 358.6772 Tm f0JhyQ+gi1B9uIxVX/ROlf8ALFb/APIpP+acVd+idK/5Yrf/AJFJ/wA04q79E6V/yxW//IpP+acV /Span <>BDC EMC /CS1 CS 0.773 0.776 0.784 SCN 469.292 714.55 469.331 709.528 474.394 709.528 c [( )-28(around )-28(you: )-28(their )-28(level )-28(of )-28(experience, )-28(how )]TJ /T1_4 1 Tf /T1_0 1 Tf -0.01 Tc 10 0 0 10 60.1102 514.6772 Tm BT 67.074 0 61.971 0 v Employees should look before, during, and after the completion of their tasks. “SLAM” and “SMART” are tools that will help our mining operations attain a new level of risk assessment and long term risk mitigation strategies. 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